0RL 00000nz 22000003 45 001 cnp01294215 035 $zcnp00022035 035 $zcnp00287577 035 $zcnp00999091 100 $a20110902xmuly50 ba 110 $a0 200 1$aDu Choisel$bClaude$cDE$5GyFmDB$cUK$5ESTC(AACR2)$cDE$5GyGoGBV 290 $aLCAuth 290 $aNUC 290 $aNLM 291 1$aN003459: his An easy, short, and certain method of treating persons bit by mad animals, 1756 tp=By Claude du Choisel 291 1$aNeue sichere, kurze und leichte Art, Menschen, welche von der Wuth befallen sind, zu heilen. - 1758 291 1$aNouvelle méthode sûre, court & facile pour le traitement des personnes attaquées de la rage. - 1756 291 1$aNouvelle méthode sûre, court & facile pour le traitement des personnes attaquées de la rage. - 1756 300 1$8ger$a4ELRAKm 300 1$8ger$aJesuit; Missionar und Apotheker in Pondicherry (Indien) 340 01$8eng$ab. 1717$xa1717u 340 01$8ger$a1717-$xa1717u 350 1$0acti$8ger$aApotheker$uhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/4002475-1$2gnd 350 1$0acti$8ger$aLaienbruder$uhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/4166472-3$2gnd 350 1$0acti$8ger$aMissionar$uhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/4039575-3$2gnd 356 1$0ctry$8ger$aFrankreich 356 1$0geon$8und$aFR$2iso3166 400 01$aChoisel$bClaude$0varn 400 01$aChoisel$bClaude$eDu$0varn 400 01$aChoisel$bClaude$edu$0varn 400 01$aDuChoisel$bClaude$8ger$nRAK alt$0varn 400 01$aDuchoisel$bClaude$0varn 515 1$0brth$aParis$8ger$nGeburtsort$3cnl00032963$9(GND)4044660-8 515 1$0actv$aPondicherry$8ger$nWirkungsort$3cnl00037164$9(GND)4103204-4 801 $aDE$bGyGoGBV$c20020330$n144785765 801 $aGB$bESTC$ntb016015 801 $aDE$bGND$c20240131$n1012978222 830 $aPND record id of diverted record: 102431639 830 $aThis record should be deleted if it has not been merged with any other record yet. (PND-Umlenkung) 831 1$acnp01032982$b1 831 1$acnp02211589$b5 956 8$0same$nDNBI$yhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/1012978222$8eng$zAuthority record 956 8$0same$nVIAF$yhttp://viaf.org/viaf/262933927$8eng$zClustered authority record 998 $a20110902$b12:00:00 999 $a20140829$b17:44:56 999 $a20140829$b17:45:15 999 $a20141014$b13:51:50 999 $a20141108$b16:53:29 999 $a20160321$b09:20:39 999 $a20160321$b09:21:28 999 $a20181216$b12:00:00 999 $a20190926$b12:00:00 999 $a20230427$b12:00:00 999 $a20240326$b12:00:00