Weiterführende Informationen
Weitere Lebensdaten19.02.1873-02.05.1958
AktivitätAnthropologe (gnd)
Linguist (gnd)
Geographische AnmerkungUS (iso3166)
AnsetzungsformSwanton, John Reed
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variante NamensformSwanton, John
Swanton, John R.
WerkeA structural and lexical Comparison of the Tunica, Chitimacha and Atakapa languages. - 1919
Early History of the Greek Indians and their neighbors. - 1922
Haida texts and myths. - 1905
Indians tribes of the lower Mississippi valley and adjacent coast of the Gulf of Mexico. - 1911
Myths and tales of the southeastern Indians. - 1929
Source Material for the social and ceremonial life of the Choctaw Indians. - 1931
Terms of relationship in Timuena. - 1916
The Indians of the southeastern United States. - 1946
Tlingit myths and texts. - 1909
Essays in historical anthropology of North America. - 1940