Авторитетная формаStoffregen, Konrad Christian ¬von¬ принято в: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Вариант имениStoffregen, Conrad Christian ¬von¬
Найдено вBaBA
Источники выходных данныхDissertatio Inauguralis De Haemoptysi Ex Hypochondriis. - 1788
Konrad Konradovich (Konrad Christian) Stoffregen, 1767-1841 [Unknown authorUnknown author /
This is an illustration from the book Russian portraits of the 18th and 19th centuries: Edition of Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich of Russia, printed in 1905-1909 as a catalogue of a 1905 exhibition. All images are in the Public Domain due to age.
-- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RusPortraits v4-154 Konrad Konradovich Shtofregen, 1767-1841.jpg]