CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01318190 Plutarque


_id: cnp01318190
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - intro: lang
      lang: eng
      text: 'Greek, Ancient (to 1453)'
    - intro: irsp
      lang: fre
      text: Auteur
    - intro: lang
      lang: ger
      text: Griechisch
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen der Geschichtswissenschaft (Historiker, Archäologen) (16.1p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#16.1p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu Natur, Naturwissenschaften allgemein (18p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#18p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu allgemeiner und vergleichender Religionswissenschaft, Personen zu nichtchristlichen Religionen (3.1p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#3.1p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen zu Philosophie (4.7p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#4.7p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Philosoph
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4045790-4
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Schriftsteller
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4053309-8
    - intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Griech. philos. Schriftsteller
    - end: 0125
      lang: ger
      start: 0045
      text: 45?-125?
    - lang: ger
      text: '00- (UDK)'
    - lang: ger
      text: '01- (UDK)'
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119200813
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/118595237
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: NLSW
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://libris.kb.se/resource/auth/196566
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/027076784/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/268955446
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q41523
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: ISNI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://isni.org/isni/0000000458483746
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: STCN
        - lang: eng
          text: Sample Bibliographic Record
      searchTerm: 105194921
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: STCN
        - lang: eng
          text: Sample Bibliographic Record
      searchTerm: 163631026
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 118595237
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: NLDT
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p068324294
      typeOfResource: same
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Display the original Edit16 name's record
      url: http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/scripts/iccu_ext.dll?fn=11&i=103
    - auth: BNF
      catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061
      country: FR
      date: 20180912
      id: FRBNF119200813
    - auth: 'BSB,VD16'
      country: DE
      date: 19971209
      id: 12:23530:K
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20040824
      id: 133384063
    - auth: PND
      catRules: RAK
      country: DE
      date: 20031016
      id: 118595237
    - auth: ESTC
      country: GB
      id: tb012674
    - auth: NeNKHB
      country: NL
      date: 20090731
      id: 068324294
    - auth: NL-HaKB
      country: NL
      date: 20160725
      id: 068324294
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060105
      id: CNCA000103
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060105
      id: CNCA18845
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060105
      id: CNCA18846
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060105
      id: CNCA22661
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060105
      id: CNCA22664
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20210908
      id: 118595237
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20231106
      id: 118595237
    - 'GDEL : Plutarque, en gr. Ploutarkhos'
    - 'Clavis SGL : Plutarchus Chaeronensis. Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus Chaeronensis'
    - Encycl. Grèce
    - BN Cat. gén.
    - 'BN Cat. gén. 1960-1969 : Plutarchus Chaeronensis'
    - LCNA(AACR2)
    - BSDNAL
    - GK55
    - OCD
    - ENG
    - KL
    - VODOC
    - HDCLA
    - NUC
    - BNF
    - BSBAK
    - BNI
    - PAU
    - EI
    - ADCAM
    - BMSTC
    - BLC
    - PAN
    - Thes. ling. Graec.
    - Lex. alte Welt
    - 'Wikipedia: Stand: 02.04.2023: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Plutarch&oldid=229061830'
  gender: b
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Note de regroupement par domaine: Philosophie (100)'
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Philosophe, biographe, moraliste'
    - lang: fre
      text: "Titre uniforme associé: Institutio Trajani#+*'t"
    - lang: fre
      text: "Titre uniforme associé: Vies des dix orateurs#+*'t"
    - lang: ger
      text: Griechischer Schriftsteller.TITAN; Maschinell verknuepft mit DBL-Retro-Titeldaten
    - lang: dut
      text: 'Griek die onder Romeins bewind leefde (schreef m.n. biografieën van gerenommeerde Grieken en Romeinen, o.a. Pericles). Biogr. et Phil. // Berk.'
    - lang: eng
      text: '-'
    - lang: ita
      text: 'Storico e filosofo greco, nato a Cheronea nel 50 circa e morto nel 120 circa. Plutarco, ancora giovane, ebbe incarichi diplomatici presso il governatore romano della provincia di Acaia..'
    - intro: geon
      lang: ger
      text: Griechenland (Altertum)
    - authority: iso3166-1
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: XS
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - ESTC(AACR2)
        - ESTC(GK)
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - 'BSB,VD16'
        - GyFmDB
        - GyGoGBV
        - NeNKHB
        - ICCU
    - title: 'Les vies des hommes illustres / Plutarque ; éd. établie et annotée par Gérard Walter ; trad. de Jacques Amyot, 1985'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Das philosophische Ehezuchtbüchlein. - 1591'
    - id: VD16 P 3776
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EPITOME VITARVM PLVTARCHI, HOC EST, VIRORVM APVD GRAEcos quàm Latinos illustrium res gestae ... 1541. '
    - id: VD16 P 3718
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EX PLVTARCHO VERSA PER DES. ERASMVM ROTERODAMVM Recognita per eundem, ex collatiõe ... 1520. '
    - id: VD16 P 3651
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: \=GPLUtarchu Cherōneōs peri paidōn agōgēs.\=g PLVTAR chi Cheronei de libero\[RUM] ... 1519. '
    - id: VD16 ZV 3156
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Cato, Marcus Porcius: Disticha moralia. 1521. '
    - id: VD16 ZV 12591
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchi cheronensis Historiogra... Plutarchus, 1509'
    - id: VD16 P 3651
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: \=GPLUtarchu Cherōneōs peri paidōn agōgēs.\=g PLVTAR chi Cheronei de libero\[RUM] ... 1519.'
    - id: VD16 P 3654
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: Ad Demonicum. 1571. '
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Alcibiades. - 1822'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegamta Regum et Imperatorum. - 1530'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmata philosophorum graeco-latina. - 1595'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmata Philosophorum. - 1606'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum. - 1741'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmes .... - 11615'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: De differentia inter odium et invidiam. - 1517'
    - id: VD16 ZV 12604
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: De liberis educandis. 1579. '
    - title: 'Plutarchus: De physicis philosophorum decretis libri quinque. - 1787'
    - id: VD16 ZV 12594
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: De viris clarissimis liber. 1552. '
    - id: VD16 P 3776
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EPITOME VITARVM PLVTARCHI, HOC EST, VIRORVM APVD GRAEcos quàm Latinos illustrium res gestae ... 1541.'
    - id: VD16 P 3695
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EX PLVTARCHI CHAEROnei moralibus opuscula aliquot hactenus non conuersa. Num seni sit ... 1542.'
    - id: VD16 P 3718
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EX PLVTARCHO VERSA PER DES. ERASMVM ROTERODAMVM Recognita per eundem, ex collatiõe ... 1520.'
    - id: VD16 P 3766
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: PLVTARCHI CHAERONENSIS, SVMMI PHILOSOPHI & historici, VTTAE PARALLElae, seu ... 1579. '
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Septem Sapientium convivium. - 1552'
    - id: VD16 ZV 12590
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: Septem sapientum convivium. 1558. '
    - id: VD16 ZV 12616
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'PLVTARCHI CHAERONEI OPVSCVLVM... Plutarchus, 1600'
    - id: ppn105194921
      source: STCN
      title: 'Apophthegmata.... / By Plutarchus. ; Translated from the Greek int..., 1499'
    - id: ppn163631026
      source: STCN
      title: 'De levens van doorluchtige Grieken en Romeinen, on... / By Plutarchus. ; Translated from the Greek. (A..., 1789'
    point: {}
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: 'Greek, Ancient (to 1453)'
        - entry: Ploutarkhos
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: 'Greek, Ancient (to 1453)'
        - entry: Ploútarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: English
        - entry: Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - entry: Plutarchus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - entry: Plutarchus Chaeronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - entry: Plutarcus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: French
        - entry: Plutarque de Chéronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: 'Greek, Modern (1453- )'
        - entry: Πλούταρχος
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Russian
        - entry: Plutarh
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Russian
        - entry: Плутарх
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Ploetarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Ploutarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Ploutarchos
        - addition: Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plowtark
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plowtark'
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: RAK-ÖB
        - entry: Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: of Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: u Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: von Chaironeia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: von Chäronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: z Cheronei
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch von Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: poln. Namensform
        - entry: Plutarch z Cheronej
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
        - addition: de Chèronè
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
        - addition: de Chèronèe
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
        - addition: de Chéroné
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
        - addition: de Chéronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Esperanto-Namensform
        - entry: Plutarcho
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: Biograph
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: Chaeroneos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: Philosoph
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: von Chaironea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: von Chaironeia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - firstname: Chaeronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Biograph
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Biographus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeron
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeronaeus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Cheronaeus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Cheronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Cheroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Philosophus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: of Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Chaironeia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Cheronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Chäroneia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco
        - addition: Cheronese
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco
        - addition: di Cheronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarcus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: rumän. Namensform
        - entry: Plutarh
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarhus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarke
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarkhos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - addition: de Chaeronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - addition: de Chèronèe
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - addition: de Chéronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarx
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutharque
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plvtarchvs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭark̲
        - addition: îš Ḥarôneā
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭarḵ
        - addition: îš Ḥarôneʾā
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭark̲
        - addition: îš Ḥarôneʾā
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭârḵ
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭârḵûs
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: '[Cyrillic]'
        - entry: Плутарх
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - firstname: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA22664
        - entry: Ploutarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Ploutarckos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - BLC
        - BMSTC
        - ADCAM
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch of Chaeronea
        - OCD
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarcho
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - PAU
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA18846
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - BNI
        - BSBAK
        - BNF
        - NUC
        - HDCLA
        - VODOC
        - KL
        - ENG
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarchus Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarchus Cheroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA18845
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA22661
        - entry: Plutarco
        - addition: Cheroneo
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarco Cheroneo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco di Cheronea
        - EI
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Pseudo-Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Pseudo-Plutarchus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Pseudo-Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - id: cnl00019897
        - name: Chairóneia
      start: 0045
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00019897
        - name: Chairóneia
      start: 0120
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - cnp01259316
    - cnp00018972
    - cnp00062748
    - cnp00099004
    - cnp00396153
    - cnp00702065
    - cnp01238753
    - id: cnp01333555
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Barbaro
        - firstname: Francesco
        - addition: 1395-1454
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01323750
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Budé
        - firstname: Guillaume
        - addition: 1468-1540
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Curio
        - firstname: Caelius Secundus
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Fischart
        - firstname: Johannes
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01320468
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Guevara
        - firstname: Antonio
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1480-1545
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Metzler
        - firstname: Johannes
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01876403
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Thorer
        - firstname: Alban
        - addition: 1489-1550
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Turnèbe
        - firstname: Adrien
        - addition: der Ältere
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01000716
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Beccaria
        - firstname: Antonio
        - addition: 1400-1474
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01323750
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Budé
        - firstname: Guillaume
        - addition: 1468-1540
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01479433
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Melanchthon
        - firstname: Philipp
        - addition: 1497-1560
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
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    - timestamp: 2021-09-09T12:00:00Z
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Authority record

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      lang: eng
      text: 'Greek, Ancient (to 1453)'
    - intro: irsp
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    - intro: lang
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      text: Griechisch
    - authority: sswd
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      intro: acti
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      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#3.1p
    - authority: sswd
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      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#4.7p
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      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Philosoph
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4045790-4
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Schriftsteller
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4053309-8
    - intro: acti
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      text: Griech. philos. Schriftsteller
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      date: 19971209
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      id: 118595237
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      country: IT
      date: 20060105
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      date: 20060105
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    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060105
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    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
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      date: 20060105
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      date: 20060105
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      date: 20210908
      id: 118595237
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20231106
      id: 118595237
    - 'GDEL : Plutarque, en gr. Ploutarkhos'
    - 'Clavis SGL : Plutarchus Chaeronensis. Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus Chaeronensis'
    - Encycl. Grèce
    - BN Cat. gén.
    - 'BN Cat. gén. 1960-1969 : Plutarchus Chaeronensis'
    - LCNA(AACR2)
    - BSDNAL
    - GK55
    - OCD
    - ENG
    - KL
    - VODOC
    - HDCLA
    - NUC
    - BNF
    - BSBAK
    - BNI
    - PAU
    - EI
    - ADCAM
    - BMSTC
    - BLC
    - PAN
    - Thes. ling. Graec.
    - Lex. alte Welt
    - 'Wikipedia: Stand: 02.04.2023: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Plutarch&oldid=229061830'
  gender: b
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Note de regroupement par domaine: Philosophie (100)'
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Philosophe, biographe, moraliste'
    - lang: fre
      text: "Titre uniforme associé: Institutio Trajani#+*'t"
    - lang: fre
      text: "Titre uniforme associé: Vies des dix orateurs#+*'t"
    - lang: ger
      text: Griechischer Schriftsteller.TITAN; Maschinell verknuepft mit DBL-Retro-Titeldaten
    - lang: dut
      text: 'Griek die onder Romeins bewind leefde (schreef m.n. biografieën van gerenommeerde Grieken en Romeinen, o.a. Pericles). Biogr. et Phil. // Berk.'
    - lang: eng
      text: '-'
    - lang: ita
      text: 'Storico e filosofo greco, nato a Cheronea nel 50 circa e morto nel 120 circa. Plutarco, ancora giovane, ebbe incarichi diplomatici presso il governatore romano della provincia di Acaia..'
    - intro: geon
      lang: ger
      text: Griechenland (Altertum)
    - authority: iso3166-1
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: XS
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - ESTC(AACR2)
        - ESTC(GK)
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - 'BSB,VD16'
        - GyFmDB
        - GyGoGBV
        - NeNKHB
        - ICCU
    - title: 'Les vies des hommes illustres / Plutarque ; éd. établie et annotée par Gérard Walter ; trad. de Jacques Amyot, 1985'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Das philosophische Ehezuchtbüchlein. - 1591'
    - id: VD16 P 3776
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EPITOME VITARVM PLVTARCHI, HOC EST, VIRORVM APVD GRAEcos quàm Latinos illustrium res gestae ... 1541. '
    - id: VD16 P 3718
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EX PLVTARCHO VERSA PER DES. ERASMVM ROTERODAMVM Recognita per eundem, ex collatiõe ... 1520. '
    - id: VD16 P 3651
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: \=GPLUtarchu Cherōneōs peri paidōn agōgēs.\=g PLVTAR chi Cheronei de libero\[RUM] ... 1519. '
    - id: VD16 ZV 3156
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Cato, Marcus Porcius: Disticha moralia. 1521. '
    - id: VD16 ZV 12591
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchi cheronensis Historiogra... Plutarchus, 1509'
    - id: VD16 P 3651
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: \=GPLUtarchu Cherōneōs peri paidōn agōgēs.\=g PLVTAR chi Cheronei de libero\[RUM] ... 1519.'
    - id: VD16 P 3654
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: Ad Demonicum. 1571. '
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Alcibiades. - 1822'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegamta Regum et Imperatorum. - 1530'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmata philosophorum graeco-latina. - 1595'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmata Philosophorum. - 1606'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum. - 1741'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Apophthegmes .... - 11615'
    - title: 'Plutarchus: De differentia inter odium et invidiam. - 1517'
    - id: VD16 ZV 12604
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: De liberis educandis. 1579. '
    - title: 'Plutarchus: De physicis philosophorum decretis libri quinque. - 1787'
    - id: VD16 ZV 12594
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: De viris clarissimis liber. 1552. '
    - id: VD16 P 3776
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EPITOME VITARVM PLVTARCHI, HOC EST, VIRORVM APVD GRAEcos quàm Latinos illustrium res gestae ... 1541.'
    - id: VD16 P 3695
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EX PLVTARCHI CHAEROnei moralibus opuscula aliquot hactenus non conuersa. Num seni sit ... 1542.'
    - id: VD16 P 3718
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: EX PLVTARCHO VERSA PER DES. ERASMVM ROTERODAMVM Recognita per eundem, ex collatiõe ... 1520.'
    - id: VD16 P 3766
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: PLVTARCHI CHAERONENSIS, SVMMI PHILOSOPHI & historici, VTTAE PARALLElae, seu ... 1579. '
    - title: 'Plutarchus: Septem Sapientium convivium. - 1552'
    - id: VD16 ZV 12590
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Plutarchus: Septem sapientum convivium. 1558. '
    - id: VD16 ZV 12616
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'PLVTARCHI CHAERONEI OPVSCVLVM... Plutarchus, 1600'
    - id: ppn105194921
      source: STCN
      title: 'Apophthegmata.... / By Plutarchus. ; Translated from the Greek int..., 1499'
    - id: ppn163631026
      source: STCN
      title: 'De levens van doorluchtige Grieken en Romeinen, on... / By Plutarchus. ; Translated from the Greek. (A..., 1789'
    point: {}
    - note:
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          text: 'Greek, Ancient (to 1453)'
        - entry: Ploutarkhos
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: 'Greek, Ancient (to 1453)'
        - entry: Ploútarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: English
        - entry: Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - entry: Plutarchus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - entry: Plutarchus Chaeronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - entry: Plutarcus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: French
        - entry: Plutarque de Chéronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: 'Greek, Modern (1453- )'
        - entry: Πλούταρχος
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Russian
        - entry: Plutarh
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Russian
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Ploetarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Ploutarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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        - addition: Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plowtark
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plowtark'
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: RAK-ÖB
        - entry: Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: of Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: u Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: von Chaironeia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: von Chäronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - addition: z Cheronei
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch von Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: poln. Namensform
        - entry: Plutarch z Cheronej
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
        - addition: de Chèronè
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
        - addition: de Chèronèe
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
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      typeOfName: varn
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        - lang: ger
          text: Esperanto-Namensform
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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        - addition: Biograph
      typeOfName: varn
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        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: Chaeroneos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: Philosoph
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchos
        - addition: von Chaironeia
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    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
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      typeOfName: varn
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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        - addition: Biographus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeron
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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        - addition: Chaeronaeus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chairōneōs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Cheronaeus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Cheronensis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Cheroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Philosophus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: of Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Chaeronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Chaironeia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Cheronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: von Chäroneia
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco
        - addition: Cheronese
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco
        - addition: di Cheronea
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarcus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: rumän. Namensform
        - entry: Plutarh
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarhus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarke
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarkhos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - addition: de Chaeronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - addition: de Chèronèe
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
        - addition: de Chéronée
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarx
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutharque
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plvtarchvs
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭark̲
        - addition: îš Ḥarôneā
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭarḵ
        - addition: îš Ḥarôneʾā
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭark̲
        - addition: îš Ḥarôneʾā
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭârḵ
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plûṭârḵûs
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: '[Cyrillic]'
        - entry: Плутарх
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarche
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarque
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
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        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA22664
        - entry: Ploutarchos
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Ploutarckos
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch
        - BLC
        - BMSTC
        - ADCAM
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarch of Chaeronea
        - OCD
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          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarcho
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    - part:
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      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA18846
        - entry: Plutarchus
        - addition: Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarchus
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        - BNF
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        - VODOC
        - KL
        - ENG
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
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          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarchus Chaeroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarchus Cheroneus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA18845
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA22661
        - entry: Plutarco
        - addition: Cheroneo
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Plutarco Cheroneo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Plutarco di Cheronea
        - EI
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Pseudo-Plutarch
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Pseudo-Plutarchus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Pseudo-Plutarco
      typeOfName: varn
    - id: cnl00019897
        - name: Chairóneia
      start: 0045
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00019897
        - name: Chairóneia
      start: 0120
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - cnp01259316
    - cnp00018972
    - cnp00062748
    - cnp00099004
    - cnp00396153
    - cnp00702065
    - cnp01238753
    - id: cnp01333555
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Barbaro
        - firstname: Francesco
        - addition: 1395-1454
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01323750
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Budé
        - firstname: Guillaume
        - addition: 1468-1540
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Curio
        - firstname: Caelius Secundus
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Fischart
        - firstname: Johannes
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01320468
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Guevara
        - firstname: Antonio
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1480-1545
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Metzler
        - firstname: Johannes
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01876403
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Thorer
        - firstname: Alban
        - addition: 1489-1550
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Turnèbe
        - firstname: Adrien
        - addition: der Ältere
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01000716
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Beccaria
        - firstname: Antonio
        - addition: 1400-1474
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01323750
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Budé
        - firstname: Guillaume
        - addition: 1468-1540
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01479433
        - lang: ger
          text: Bekanntschaft
        - lang: ger
          text: VD-16 Mitverf.
        - entry: Melanchthon
        - firstname: Philipp
        - addition: 1497-1560
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
  typeOfEntry: 0
    - VIAF merged record
    - a18
    - stcn
    - timestamp: 2012-02-29T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2016-10-17T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2016-10-25T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-02-13T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-06-23T14:48:29Z
    - timestamp: 2021-06-23T14:50:55Z
    - timestamp: 2021-09-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-11-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2023-04-27T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-01-12T12:00:00Z
    - BIBSYS|x90163732
    - BNE|XX1076928
    - BNF|11920081
    - LC|n 79026763
    - NKC|jn19981002002
    - NLA|000035950909
    - NLIcyr|000155212
    - NLIlat|000106383
    - NUKAT|n 94004086
    - PTBNP|34076
    - RERO|vtls000131425
    - SELIBR|196566
    - SUDOC|027076784
    - archaeo18
    - BLAISE-No. current:11484194 old:11484194 file:BEIG
  status: n