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thesaurus/cnp01240253 Stradella, Giovanni Tommaso

Stradella, Giovanni Tommaso

Record IDcnp01240253
Biographical Data1500 - 1599
Place of BirthPontremoli
Last Edit2019-09-26

General Note

Ital. Jurist; Hrsg. von Bartolommeo Soccini
Autore, originario di Pontremoli, attivo probabilmente nel XVI secolo. Sconosciuto ai repertori.

More Information

Further Biographical Dataca. 16. Jh.
sec. 16.
Dates of Activityvor 1545
ActivityJurist (gnd)
Ital. Jurist
Geographic NoteIT (iso3166)
Online ResourceOnline Resource
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Place of Activity

Place of BirthPontremoli


HeadingStradella, Giovanni Tommaso
used in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameIoannes Thomas Stradella Pontremulensis
Nome su edizioni
Stradella, Ioannes Thomas
Stradella, Joannes Thomas
Stradella, Johannes Thomas
Stradelli, Giovanni Tommaso


Found inEDIT 16 CNCA 17053
Imprint SourcesSoccini, Bartolommeo: Consiliorum Sozini. Quarta pars. - 1525
Soccini, Bartolommeo: Habes lector studiose hoc in volumine quartam partem consiliorum ... - 1519

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