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thesaurus/cnp01238683 Piotto, Giovanni Battista

Piotto, Giovanni Battista

Record IDcnp01238683
Biographical Data1518 - 1570
Place of BirthNovara
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Ital. Jurist
Giurista novarese, studiò a Padova e a Pavia, fu oratore della città di Novara presso il Senato di Milano. Fece parte dell'Accademia degli Affidati di Pavia. Nato a Novara nel 1518, morto nel 1570.

More Information

Further Biographical Data1518-1570
ActivityJurist (gnd)
Jurist in Novara
Geographic NoteIT (iso3166)
Online ResourceOnline Resource
Display the original Edit16 name's record

Place of Activity

Place of BirthNovara


HeadingPiotto, Giovanni Battista
used in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Ploti, Giovanni Battista
used in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany)
Plotus, Johannes Baptista
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameGio. Battista Pioto [Sources: CT]
Ioannes Baptista Plotus
Nome su edizioni
Piotti, Giambattista
Piotti, Giambattista
EDIT16-ID:CNCA14854 [Sources: FN]
Piotto, Giambattista
Piotto, Giovanni Battista [Sources: GH; FRI]
Ploti, Giovanni Battista
Ploti, Joannes Baptista
Ploti, Johann Baptist
Ploti, Johannes Baptista
Plotus, Ioannes Baptista
EDIT16-ID:CNCA14856 [Sources: NUC; OSFRA]
Plotus, Iohannes B.
Plotus, Iohannes Baptista
Plotus, Iohannes Baptista [Sources: FON]
Plotus, Joannes Baptista
Plotus, Joannes Baptista [Sources: ADCAM]
Plotus, Johann Baptist
Plotus, Johannes B.
Plotus, Johannes Baptista


Found inFRI. — GH. — CT. — FN. — OSFRA. — NUC. — FON. — ADCAM. — LCAuth
Imprint SourcesPlotus, Johannes B.: Repet[itio] l. si quando C. unde vi. - 1557
Plotus, Johannes B.: Tractatus de in litem iurando sive repetitio l. si quando C. unde vi. - 1676
Repet[itio] l. si quando C. unde vi. - 1557
TRACTATVS DE IN LITEM IVRANDO, SIVE AVREA, ET SOLENN. Repetitio l. Si quando. C.vnde ... 1583.
TRACTATVS DE IN LITEM IVRANDO, SIVE AVREA, ET SOLENNIS Repetitio 1. Si quando. C.vnde ... 1583.
TRACTATVS DE IN LITEM IVRANDO... / Giovanni Battista Ploti, 1583
Tractatus de in litem iurando sive repetitio l. si quando C. unde vi. - 1676
depiction of ...
Giovanni Battista Piotto
Available in the BEIC digital library and uploaded in partnership with BEIC Foundation.
-- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Piotto, Giovanni Battista - Consilia, 1577 - BEIC 13800642.jpg]

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