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thesaurus/cnp01237030 Martinengo, Nestor

Martinengo, Nestor

Record IDcnp01237030
Bibliografische gegevens1548 - 1630
Plaats van overlijdenKerkira
Voor het laatst bewerkt2023-04-27

Algemene noot

Verf. im VD-16
Ingegnere militare al servizio di Venezia, nato a Brescia nel 1548 e morto nel 1630.

Meer informatie

Verdere bibliografische gegevens1548-1630
1547-1598. Geburtsjahr ca., vielleicht auch 1548
Jaren van werkzaamheid1572. Erscheinungsjahr im VD-16
Adelijke titelGraf (gnd)
Offizier (gnd)
Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p) (sswd)
Geografische nootIT (iso3166)
Online bronOnline Resource
Display the original Edit16 name's record

Plaats van werkzaamheid

Plaats van overlijdenKerkira

Verwante objecten

Zie ookMartinengo, Ulisse, 1545-1570
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Martinengo, Ulisse, 1545-1570
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder


KopjeMartinengo, Nestor
gebruikt in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Martinengo, Nestore
gebruikt in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy); Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Martinengo, Nestore, Conte
gebruikt in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
NaamsvariantMartinengo da Barco, Nestore
Martinengo, Nestor [Bronnen: ADCAM]
Martinengo, Nestore ¬di¬
Martinengo, Nestore [Bronnen: PER; BSBAK; BLC; NUC; FRI; IBI; BMSTC]
Martinengo, Nestorre
Martinengo da Barco, Nestore
EDIT16-ID:CNCA20583 [Bronnen: DEI]
Martinengus, Nestor
Nestore Martinengo [Bronnen: PRO3]
Nestorre Martinengo
Nome su edizioni
Martinengo, Nestor


Gevonden inBMSTC. — IBI. — FRI. — NUC. — BLC. — BSBAK. — PER. — ADCAM. — PRO3. — DEI. — NUC=Martinengo, Nestore, conte, fl. 1550-1570. — VD-16. — Diz. biogr. It.
Bronnen voor het impressumMartinengo, Nestore: Ricordi a suoi Figliuoli. - 1650
Martinengo, Nestore: Warhafftige Relation ... was massen die gewaltig Statt ... Famagusta*. - [1572]
S112366: The true report of all the successe of Famagosta, of the antique writers called Tamassus, a citie in Cyprus, 1572 [translation of Martinengo, Nestore, conte: L'assedio, et presa di Famagosta]
Martinengo, Nestore: Warhaftige Relation vñ Bericht Was massen die gewaltig Statt vnnd Beuestigung Famagusta, in ... 1572.

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