CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01234869 Frangepán, Kristóf

Frangepán, Kristóf

Record IDcnp01234869
Biographical Data1482 - 1527
Last Edit2019-09-25

General Note

Heerführer Maximilians I. im Kampf gegen die Venezianer
Duca di Croazia nato a Modrus intorno al 1482 e morto nel castello di Martijanec, in Croazia, nel 1527.

More Information

Further Biographical Data1482-1527
ca. 1482-1527
Title of NobilityGraf (gnd)
ActivityAdel (gnd)
Ban (gnd)
Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p) (sswd)
Soldat (gnd)
Geographic NoteHU (iso3166)
Online ResourceOnline Resource
Display the original Edit16 name's record


HeadingFrangepán, Kristóf
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Frankopan, Krsto
used in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy)
Variant NameChristophorus, de Frangepanibus
Christophorus de Frangepanibus
Nome su edizioni
Franckopan, Krsto [Sources: IBN]
Frangepan, Christoph
Frangepanibus, Christophorus ¬de¬
Frangepanus, Christophorus
Frangepanus, Kristóf
Frangepanus, Krsto
Frangepán, Kristóf
EDIT16-ID:CNCA22227 [Sources: BNPC]
Frangipan, Christoph
Frangipan, Krišstof
Frangipani, Christoph, Comte
Frangipani, Christoph, Earl
Frangipani, Christoph, Graf
Frangipanibus, Christophorus
Frangipanibus, Christophorus de [Sources: BMSTC]
Frangipanni, Christophorus
Frangipanus, Christophorus
Frangipanus, Kristóf
Frangipanus, Krsto
Frangépan, Kristóf, Comte
Frangépan, Kristóf, Earl
Frangépan, Kristóf, Graf
Frankapan, Christoph, Comte
Frankapan, Christoph, Earl
Frankapan, Christoph, Graf
Frankapan, Kristóf
Frankapan, Krsto
Frankapan, Krsto Brinjski
Frankopan, Christoph, Comte
[*French*] [Sources: CH-GND]
Frankopan, Christoph, Earl
[*English*] [Sources: CH-GND]
Frankopan, Christoph, Graf
Frankopan, Christophoro ¬de¬, Comte
Frankopan, Christophoro ¬de¬, Earl
Frankopan, Christophoro ¬de¬, Graf
Frankopan, Kristóf
Frankopan, Krsto
Frankopan, Krsto [Sources: DEI]
Frankopan Ozaljski, Krsto, Comte
Frankopan Ozaljski, Krsto, Earl
Frankopan Ozaljski, Krsto, Graf
Frankopan von Ozalj, Christoph, Comte
Frankopan von Ozalj, Christoph, Earl
Frankopan von Ozalj, Christoph, Graf
Kristóf, Frangepán
Krsto, Frangepán
Krsto, Frankapan
Krsto, Frankopan


Found inBN. — BLC. — Rep.Font. IV,552. — DEI. — BNPC. — BMSTC. — IBN. — BN. — BLC. — Rep.Font. IV,552. — Ungarisches Biogr. Archiv (WBIS)
Imprint SourcesOratio et Memoriale ad Adrianum Sextum, pont. max. - 1523


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