More Information
Further Biographical Data1515-1580. - Geburtsjahr und Todesjahr ca.
1515-1580. Geburts- und Todesjahr ca.
ActivityArzt, Botaniker, Naturforscher; geb. in Afrika
Arzt (gnd)
Botaniker (gnd)
Naturwissenschaftler (gnd)
Geographic NoteES (iso3166)
HeadingAcosta, Christóval
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Acosta, Christóval
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Costa, Cristovão ¬da¬
used in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy)
Acosta, Christóval
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameAcosta, Christobal
Acosta, Christoforo
Acosta, Christoual
Acosta, Cristobal
Acosta, Cristobal [Sources: COSEN]
Acosta, Cristoval
EDIT16-ID:CNCA7533 [Sources: BMSTC; BNPC; IBN]
Acosta Affricanus, Christoval
Acosta Africanus, Christóval
Acosta Christophorus [Sources: JO]
Christophoro Acosta
Nome su edizioni
Christoval Acosta
Nome su edizioni
Costa, Christoforo ¬a¬
Costa, Christophoro ¬a¬
Costa, Christophorus ¬a¬
Costa, Christovam ¬da¬
Costa, Christovam da [Sources: NUC]
Costa, Cristobal [Sources: EUI]
Costa, Cristovão da [Sources: GEPB]
Costa, Cristóvão ¬da¬
Costa Christophorus [Sources: ADCAM]
Da_Costa, Cristovão
La Coste, Christophle ¬de¬
LaCosta, Christophle ¬de¬
LaCoste, Christophle ¬de¬
LaCoste, Christophle ¬de¬
RAK alt
Acosta, Christóbal
Acosta, Cristóbal ¬de¬
Acosta, Cristóval
Acosta Buenaventura, Cristóbal
Buenaventura, Cristóbal Acosta
Costa, Christophorus ¬à¬
Costa, Christóval ¬à¬
Costa, Cristóvão ¬da¬