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thesaurus/cnp01226109 Bebel, Catharina

Bebel, Catharina

Record IDcnp01226109
Last Edit2023-11-03

General Note

Not found in: LCAuth; ADB/NDB; DbA
Tochter des Theologen Balthasar Bebel; am 02.05.1707 in Greifswald vermählt mit Andreas Ritter.

More Information

Dates of Activityfl.1702-1707

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityGreifswald

Related Entries

ParentBebel, Balthasar, 1632-1686
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
SpouseRitter, Andreas, 1681-1755
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehemann


HeadingBebel, Catharina
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Bebel, Katharina
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Later NameRitter, Catharina
Spaeterer Name
Variant NameB., C.
Bebel, Catharina
Bebel, Katharina
C. B.


Imprint SourcesC. B. Rettung Ihres Ehrlichen Nahmens, wider Hn. M. Johann Wincklers, Seniors in Hamburg, Ehrenrührende Anzüglichkeiten. - [1702]

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