ΕπικεφαλίδαJoselewicz, Berek χρησιμοποιείται σε: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
ΠαραλλαγήBerek Joselewicz
Dov Ber
Yoselevitsh, Berek
Yosselevich, Berek
Βρίσκεται σεLCAuth. — Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berek_Joselewicz
Πηγές για την έκδοσηMierzwiński, Henryk: Historyczne związki pułkownika Berka Joselewicza z Kockiem. - 2009
Colonel Berek Joselewicz during the Kościuszko Uprising, 1794, b/w lithograph illustrating 1904 publication of play by the same title written by Zenon Parvi, Kraków, Poland [Illustration to 1904 publication of play by Zenon Parvi / Rok 1794. Berek Joselewicz.Dramat na tle historycznem w pięciu aktach, oryginalnie wierszem napisany przez Zenona Parviego. Cleaned up in Photoshop by the uploader with less empty space. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berek Joselewicz (1764-1809).jpg]