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thesaurus/cnp01170001 Schindler, Christian Friedrich

Schindler, Christian Friedrich

Record IDcnp01170001
Biographical Data1684 - 1753
Last Edit2022-11-02

General Note

Not found in: LCAuth
Dt. ev. Theologe; 1698 Schüler an St. Afra in Meißen; Student in Leipzig; 1708 Hospitalprediger, 1711 Diakon und 1716 Archidiakon in Schneeberg

More Information

Further Biographical Data1684-1753
ActivityArchidiakon (gnd)
Archidiakon in Schneeberg
Magister (gnd)
Pfarrer (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthSchneeberg, Erzgebirgskreis
Place of ActivityLeipzig

Related Entries

SpouseSchindler, Johanna Dorothea, 1687-1729
Beziehung familiaer. -- 1. Ehefrau
Schindler, Johanna Magdalena Barbara
Beziehung familiaer. -- 2. Ehefrau
ChildBarth, Regina Magdalena Eleonora, 1742-1817
Beziehung familiaer. -- Tochter


HeadingSchindler, Christian Friedrich
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameSchindler, Christianus Fridericus
Schindlerus, Christianus Frideric.
Schindlerus, Christianus Fridericus
Schindler, Christian Frider.
Schindler, Christian Fridericus


Found inGrünberg: Sächsisches Pfarrerbuch, Bd. 2,2, S. 797. — Pfarrerbuch Sachsen. — DbA I 1103,334
Imprint SourcesDe theologis eruditis per ignem. - 1727
Dissertationem moralem de epichairekakia ... publico eruditorum examini subjiciunt praeses M. Christianus Fridericus Schindler, Schneberga- Misnicus, et respondens Christophorus Brueckner, Streckevvaldensis Misnicus ... d. 4 Febr. anni M DCC VIII ... - 1708
Rost, Christoph J.: De vinciendis in compositione verborum extremis. - 1747
Olearius, Gottfridus: Observationes Philologicas ad Evangelii Matthaei Cap. VIII, comma XVI. - 1705

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