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thesaurus/cnp01167135 Scott, John

Scott, John

Identifiant de la noticecnp01167135
Données biographiques1639 - 1695
Dernière modification2022-11-02

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Autres données biographiques1639-1695
Titre universitaireDr.
ActivitéPrediger (gnd)
Note géographiqueGB (iso3166)


RubriqueScott, John
utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne; Bibliothèque royale des Pays-Bas, La Haye (Pays-Bas)
Scott, John, D.D., Canon of St. Paul's
utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Scott, John
utilisé dans: Bibliothèque royale des Pays-Bas, La Haye (Pays-Bas)
VarianteScot, ...
Scot, John
Scott, ...
Scott, Joan


Trouvé dansESTC/NA/84?. — LCNA(AACR2)citing Dante, The divina commedia, 1802 and DNB. — GK55. — DNB=Scott, John, 1639-1695, Cacon of St. Paul's 1685-d.. — Not found in NUC. — LCAuth
SourcesScott, John: Christian life. - 1700
Sermon preached before the Queen the 22d of May, 1692. Upon occasion of theeh late victory obtained by Their Majesties fleet over the French. - 1692
Sermon preached before the right honourable the lord mayor, and court of aldermen; at Guild-Hall chappel, upon the 5th of November 1673. - 1673
T120675: his Practical discourses concerning obedience, 1701 tp=By John Scott
Traité de la vie chrétienne.... / By Scot. ; Translated from the English..., 1699
Het kristelyke leven van zyn begin, tot de voltooj... / By Johan Scott. ; Translated after the 7th Eng..., 1735
Beitr. in Dante Alighieri: Divina commedia of Dante Alighieri: consisting of the Inferno--Purgatorio--and Paradiso. - 1802
Certain cases of conscience resolved concerning the lawfulness of joyning with forms of prayer in publick worship ... - 1683

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