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thesaurus/cnp01156524 Pynson, Richard

Pynson, Richard

Record IDcnp01156524
Dati biografici1448 - 1530
Luogo di nascitaNormandie
Ultima modifica2020-03-10

Nota generale

Norman by birth, in London by 1513, prob. learned printing from Guillaume le Talleur, took over business of William de Machlinia printing law books i London, at first used press of Le Talleur, king's printer to Henry VIII, first to use Roman type (1509)
Londoner Drucker franz. Herkunft

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1448-1530
date di attivitàfl.1513-1530
AttivitàPersonen zu Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel (2.2p) (sswd)
Buchdrucker (gnd)
Nota geograficaGB (iso3166)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaNormandie
Luogo di attivitàLondon


IntestazionePynson, Richard
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inDNB 47, 87. — M. — LoC-NA
depiction of ...
Porträt Richard Pynson (1448 - 1530)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]


Lo stesso di

Authority record

Mappa (attività)


image of Pynson, Richard
Porträt Richard Pynson (1448 - 1530)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]

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