CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01141409 Ducarel, Andrew Coltee

Ducarel, Andrew Coltee

Record IDcnp01141409
Dati biografici1713 - 1785
Luogo di nascitaParis
Luogo di morteLondon
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Born in Normandy. Librarian at Lambeth Palace. D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A.
Libraire et antiquaire.

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1713-1785
Responsabilità intellettualeAuteur
Lingua madreEnglish
Antiquar (gnd)
Buchhändler (gnd)
Rechtsanwalt (gnd)
Personen zu Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel (2.2p) (sswd)
Personen zu Recht (7.14p) (sswd)
Nota geograficaGroßbritannien
FR (iso3166)
GB (iso3166)
NazionalitàUnited Kingdom

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaParis
Luogo di morteLondon

Accessi collegati

Vedi ancheDucarel, James Coltee, 1715-1788
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Ducarel, James Coltee, 1715-1788
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Ducarel, Adrian Coltee, 1718-1745
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Ducarel, Adrian Coltee, 1718-1745
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder


IntestazioneDucarel, Andrew Coltee
Usata in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Canterbury Cathedral Library, (United Kingdom)
Ducarel, Andrew Coltée
Usata in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Ducarel, Andrew Coltee
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Ducarel, Andrew Coltee
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
VarianteColtee Ducarel, Andrew
Dr. Ducarel
Ducarel, Andrew
Ducarel, Andrew Coltée
Ducarel, Dr.

Fonti esterne

Trovato inGK55. — DNB. — NUC. — AO. — BN Cat. gén.. — DNB. — LCAuth. — Wikipedia: Stand: 07.09.2021: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Andrew_Ducarel&oldid=1028831029
Fonti a stampaAnglo-norman Antiquities, considered in a tour through part of Normandy / by doctor Ducarel ; iIllustrated with twenty-seven copper-plates, 1767
Ducarel, Andrew C.: A Series of above two hundred Anglo-gallic or Norman and Aquitain c*. - 1757
Ducarel, Andrew C.: Anglo-Norman antiquities. - 1767
depiction of ...
Portrait of Andrew Ducarel (1713-1785). Scan from a print from an engraving of a portrait
[Francis Perry / https://books.google.com/books?id=PWAGAAAAQAAJ (original book A Series of above two hundred Ango-Gallic, or Norman and Aquitain coins of the antient kings of England by Andrew Coltee Ducarel, published 1757) -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Andrew Ducarel.png]

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