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thesaurus/cnp01138841 Swetnam, Thomas

Swetnam, Thomas

Record IDcnp01138841
Ultima modifica2008-09-03

Nota generale

r. of S.John's, Stamford, Lincs. 1535 (Valor), r. of Irton (N.Riding, Yorks? or W.Cumberland?). v. of Bradborne, Derby by 1544, chpl. to Robt. Blyth, Bp. of Down & Connor, Ireland (Chambers p.238, not in Salter/Bowker). Related to Swettenhams of Cheshire? Thomas Swettenham of Swettenham, Chesh. (fl.1566) m. Elizabeth, da. of William Swettenham of Somerford, Chesh., they had son William, etc. (Harl.Soc., Visit.Chesh. 59, p.232-3)

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biograficilate15-16c


IntestazioneSwetnam, Thomas
Usata in: Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inValor, iv, 144


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