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thesaurus/cnp01138789 Deye, George

Deye, George

Record IDcnp01138789
Ultima modifica2008-04-09

Nota generale

?same as: of Newport, Salop, BA 1520-1, MA 1524, BTh 1533, DTh 1537, fellow of St. John's 1522, chpl to Bp. Fisher, first Linacre lecturer(?),master of St. John's 1537-8, vice-chancellor 1537-8, provost of King's 1538-47, Bp of Chichester 1543-56, d.1556

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biograficimid 16c


IntestazioneDeye, George
Usata in: Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inVenn 2, 22. — Linacre p.228


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