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thesaurus/cnp01138523 Byckley, Thomas

Byckley, Thomas

Record IDcnp01138523
Biographical Data1518 - 1596
Last Edit2008-04-09

General Note

born c1518, Stowe, Bucks. Magdalen Coll. chorister 1531, fellow 1541, expelled 1553, Merton Coll. warden 1569-85, BA 1540, MA 1546, BTh 1552, DTh 1570, chpln of Edward IV chantry, S.George's chapel, Windsor 1552, archdcn of Stafford 1567-86, bp of Chichester 1586-, on Mary's accession took refuge in France, studied at Paris & Orleans, chpln to abp Parker, to the queen by 1585, d. 1596

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Further Biographical Datac1518-1596


HeadingByckley, Thomas
used in: Early Book Owners in Britain


Found inBRUO(16c) 91


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