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thesaurus/cnp01138486 Barlow, John

Barlow, John

Record IDcnp01138486
Ultima modifica2011-09-24

Nota generale

only Barlow at Corpus Christi is: brother of Bp William Barlow. Corpus Christi discipulus adm. 1517, Merton Coll. fellow 1520-1524, univ. of Louvain matr. 1532, BA 1517, MA 1521, keeper of Bourgchier chest 1523-25, canon of S.Davids 1539, of Peterborough 1541, of Abergwili , carmarths. 1541, archdcn of Carmarthen 1542-47, canon of Bristiol 1544-53, dean of Worcester 1544-53, canon of hereford 1547, chpln to king 1531, licensed to go overseas with servant and 2 horses 1531

Maggiori informazioni

date di attivitàfl.1517-1554


IntestazioneBarlow, John
Usata in: Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inBRUO(16c) 26


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