Acton, Philip, alias Brode
Идентификатор записиcnp01138448
Последнее изменение2008-04-09
Cistercian monk, Hailes Abbey, Gloucs. by 1530 till diss., after 8 yrs. study BTh 1538, DTh 1543, regius praelector in theol. 1542-1547, lic. 1541, lic. to change habit 1540, vicar of Huddersfield, Yorks. 1541-, of Adel, Yorks. 1545-, canon of Lichfield 1546-, canon of York 1548-, d. Aug. 1551. Correspondent of Robert Joseph, monk of Evesham, nephew of Humphrey Acton, monk and sub-prior of Evesham