CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01138261 Watson, John

Watson, John

Record IDcnp01138261
Ultima modifica2011-08-29

Nota generale

studying law Cologne 1512 (?), St. Andrews 1512, lic. 1516, or of Aberdeen dio. inc. 1531, parson o Clatt by 1556, canon of Aberdeen, lic. in theol., appointed by Bp. Gordon as special preacher in fulfilment of the decrees of Trent

Maggiori informazioni

date di attivitàfl.1512-59


IntestazioneWatson, John
Usata in: Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inESL 157. — Hill IR 15, 3-34


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