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thesaurus/cnp01138180 Slythurst, Thomas

Slythurst, Thomas

Identifiant de la noticecnp01138180
Dernière modification2008-04-09

Note générale

Berks. Cardinal Coll. canon 1529, Magdalen Coll. fellow 1532-47, dean of arts 1538-39, bursar 1540-41, dean of divinity 1542-42, first pres. of Trinity 1556-59, BA 1530, MA 1534, BTH 1543, DTH supp. 1555. vicar of Chalfont S.Peter's Bucks 1546-56, rector of Chalfont S.Giles, Bucks. 1556-59, canon of S. George's chapel Windsor 1554-59, d.1559 possibly in Tower of London. Bequeathed books to Trinity c1559

Plus d'information

Dates d'activitéfl.1529-1559


RubriqueSlythurst, Thomas
utilisé dans: Early Book Owners in Britain


Trouvé dansBRUO(16c) 520


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