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thesaurus/cnp01137622 Sparke, Thomas

Sparke, Thomas

Record IDcnp01137622
Ultima modifica2011-06-25

Nota generale

Bened. monk, Durham Coll. 1521 still 1530, BTh 1529, DTh supp. 1535, Durham Cath. priory 1516, chamberlain 1522/3- 1537, prior of Holy Island 1535, Bp of Berwick & suffragan of Durham 1537-, master of Greatham Hosp. 1541-, d.1572

Maggiori informazioni

date di attivitàfl.1516-1572


IntestazioneSparke, Thomas
Usata in: Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inBRUO(16c) 530


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