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thesaurus/cnp01137494 Pope, Thomas

Pope, Thomas

Record IDcnp01137494
Dati biografici1507 - 1559
Ultima modifica2011-06-25

Nota generale

born c1507, Eton educ., articled, by 1532 lower official of court of chancery, lived with Thomas Audley, friends with Thomas More, warden of the Mint 1534-6, clerk of the crown in Chancery 1537-44, then treasurer of the Augmentations, knighted 1537, privy councillor c1544, acquired much land at suppression of the monasteries, becoming one of richest commoners of his time, 1554-5 purchased buildings of Durham Coll. to establish Trinity College

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biograficic1507-1559


IntestazionePope, Thomas
Usata in: Early Book Owners in Britain

Fonti esterne

Trovato inDNB 46,135


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