--- _id: cnp01137442 data: actDates: - end: 1509 lang: eng start: 1492 text: fl.1492-1509 extDataset: - code: CERE note: - lang: eng text: Provenance Information searchTerm: cnp01137442 typeOfResource: prov external: - auth: CERL country: GB date: 20070913 id: 252 foundIn: - BRUC 582 gender: b generalNote: - lang: eng text: "S. Gregory's Hostel 1492-3, quest., adm. 1490-1, inc. A. 1494, v. of Moulton, Suff. 1505-1509. ?Poss. prior of exiled Carthusian house Sheen Anglorum at Louvain, d.1582." heading: - part: - entry: Thomson - firstname: Roger usedBy: - EBOB typeOfEntry: 0 meta: history: - timestamp: 2008-04-09T12:00:00Z remark: - Authority record from 'Early Book Owners in Britain' database. Do NOT MERGE with any other EBOB authority record. status: n