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thesaurus/cnp01133368 Thou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬

Thou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬

Record IDcnp01133368
Type of entry (heading)ficticious name
Biographical Data1609 - 1677
Place of BirthParis
Last Edit2021-01-28

General Note

The Younger. French ambassador to the Netherlands. Count of Meslay. President of the Parliament of Paris. Son of Jacques Auguste de Thou, historian.
Franz. Staatsmann und Diplomat; franz. Botschafter in den Niederlanden; Graf von Meslay.
le fils

More Information

Further Biographical Data1609-1677
Title of NobilityGraf (gnd)
ActivityDiplomat (gnd)
Politiker (gnd)
Geographic NoteFR (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthParis
Place of ActivityParis

Related Entries

ParentThou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬, 1553-1617
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater


HeadingThou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬
used in: The University of Aberdeen Library; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Thou, Jacques Auguste de
used in: Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain)
Thou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameThou, J.A. ¬de¬
Thou, J. A. ¬de¬
Thou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬, le Fils, Diplomate, Homme d'Etat
[*French*] [Sources: CH-GND]
Thou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬, the Younger, Diplomat, Statesman
[*English*] [Sources: CH-GND]
Thov, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬
Thuanus, Jacobus Augustus
Thuanus, Jacobus Augustus, der Jüngere, Staatsmann, Diplomat
Thuanus, Jacobus Augustus, le Fils, Diplomate, Homme d'Etat
Thuanus, Jacobus Augustus, the Younger, Diplomat, Statesman
Thou, Jacques Auguste ¬de¬, der Jüngere
Thou, Jacques Auguste, Graf von Meslay
Thou, Jacques-Auguste, Comte de Meslay
BnF Cat. général
Thou, Jacques-Auguste, le Fils
Thuanus, Jac. Aug.
Thuanus, Jacobus Augustus, Filius
Thou, comte de Meslay, Jacques-Auguste ¬de¬
Meslay, Jacques-Auguste ¬de Thou, comte de¬


Found inLOC. — Reliures de la Bibliothèque nationale de France: Stand: Juli 2016: http://reliures.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cdt9x2bd/
Imprint SourcesPropositie gedaen by den Franssen ambassadeur in d... / [By Jacques Auguste de Thou]..., 1657
Posteritati. J. Aug. Thuani poematium.... / Edited by I. Melanchthon [pseudonym of J. Pine..., 1678


Biblioteca Complutense, Madrid
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