--- _id: cnp01119051 data: actDates: - lang: ger text: 1514 actNote: - authority: sswd intro: acti lang: ger text: Personen zu Bildungswesen (6.4p) uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#6.4p - authority: sswd intro: acti lang: ger text: Personen zu Recht (7.14p) uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#7.14p - authority: gnd intro: acti lang: ger text: Hochschullehrer uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4025243-7 - authority: gnd intro: acti lang: ger text: Jurist uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4029050-5 - intro: acti lang: ger text: Dt. Jurist bioDates: - end: 1527 lang: ger start: 1463 text: 1463-1527. Geburtsjahr um extDataset: - code: DBIO note: - lang: eng text: Biographic Information searchTerm: 100726879 typeOfResource: info - code: VIAF note: - lang: eng text: Clustered authority record searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/12657718 typeOfResource: same - code: DNBI note: - lang: eng text: Authority record searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/100726879 typeOfResource: same - code: NLSW note: - lang: eng text: Authority record searchTerm: http://libris.kb.se/resource/auth/344923 typeOfResource: same - code: WDAT note: - lang: eng text: Wikidata description set searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1298456 typeOfResource: same external: - auth: GyGoGBV country: DE date: 20050317 id: 481857796 - auth: PND catRules: RAK country: DE date: 20061124 id: 100726879 - auth: GND country: DE date: 20231106 id: 100726879 foundIn: - VD-16 - DBE - Landesbibliographie Baden-Württemberg generalNote: - lang: ger text: 'Seit 1486 Professor in Tübingen, 1497 nach Ingolstadt berufen' - lang: ger text: Beitr. im VD-16 geoNote: - authority: iso3166 intro: geon lang: und text: DE - intro: ctry lang: ger text: Deutschland heading: - part: - entry: Croaria - firstname: Hieronymus - nonsort: von usedBy: - GyFmDB - part: - entry: Croaria - firstname: Hieronymus - nonsort: de usedBy: - GyFmDB - part: - entry: Croaria - firstname: Hieronymus - nonsort: von usedBy: - GyGoGBV imprintSource: - title: 'Acta scitu dignissima ... Constantiensis concilii celebratissimi generalis de a. 1414. - [1506]' - title: 'Acta scitu dignissima ... Constantiensis concilii celebratissimi generalis de a. 1414. - 1511' - title: 'Acta scitu dignissima ... Constantiensis concilii celebratissimi generalis de a. 1414. - 1514' name: - note: - lang: ger text: (VD-16) part: - entry: Croaria - firstname: Hieronymus de typeOfName: varn - part: - entry: Hieronymus - addition: de Croaria typeOfName: varn place: - note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Neuburg a.d. Donau start: 1516 typeOfPlace: actv - note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Tapfheim start: 1515 typeOfPlace: actv - id: cnl00016096 note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Ingolstadt tmp: (GND)4026991-7 typeOfPlace: actv - note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Neuburg a.d. Donau start: 1516 tmp: (GND)4041719-0 typeOfPlace: actv - note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Tapfheim start: 1515 tmp: (GND)4251061-2 typeOfPlace: actv - id: cnl00014526 note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Tübingen tmp: (GND)4061147-4 typeOfPlace: actv - id: cnl00016096 note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Ingolstadt tmp: (GND)4026991-7 typeOfPlace: actv - end: '' id: cnl00012125 note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Neuburg a.d. Donau start: 1516 tmp: (GND)4041719-0 typeOfPlace: actv - end: '' id: cnl00039048 note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Tapfheim start: 1515 tmp: (GND)4251061-2 typeOfPlace: actv - id: cnl00014526 note: - lang: ger text: Wirkungsort part: - name: Tübingen tmp: (GND)4061147-4 typeOfPlace: actv previousId: - cnp00151759 related: - id: cnp01353671 note: - lang: ger text: Bekanntschaft - lang: ger text: VD-16 Mitverf. part: - entry: Bebel - firstname: Heinrich - addition: 1472-1518 tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza' typeOfEntity: cnp typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity - id: cnp01348220 note: - lang: ger text: Bekanntschaft - lang: ger text: VD-16 Mitverf. part: - entry: Eck - firstname: Johannes - addition: 1486-1543 tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza' typeOfEntity: cnp typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity - note: - lang: ger text: Bekanntschaft - lang: ger text: VD-16 Mitverf. part: - entry: Schatzger - firstname: Kaspar tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza' typeOfEntity: cnp typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity - id: cnp01145238 note: - lang: ger text: Beziehung familiaer - lang: ger text: Sohn part: - entry: Croaria - firstname: Hieronymus - nonsort: von - addition: -1536 tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezf' typeOfEntity: cnp typeOfRelationship: ex:hasChild - id: cnp02124839 note: - lang: ger text: Bekanntschaft - lang: ger text: VD-16 Mitverf. part: - entry: Rhegius - firstname: Urbanus - addition: 1489-1541 tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: beza' typeOfEntity: cnp typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity typeOfEntry: 0 meta: flag: - CHECK - PND:diverted history: - timestamp: 2007-09-11T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2008-07-27T09:18:14Z - timestamp: 2010-03-04T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2012-03-02T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2019-09-25T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2024-01-12T12:00:00Z possibleMatch: - id: cnp01145238 similarity: 4 remark: - 'PND record id of diverted record: 119648504' - Please check field 340 and delete this record if necessary - 'This record should be deleted if it has not been merged with any other record yet. (PND-Umlenkung) ' - 'Fehler: Datensatz konnte nicht aus PND-Masterfile nachgeladen werden.' status: n