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thesaurus/cnp01118645 Coelius, Gregorius

Coelius, Gregorius

Datensatz IDcnp01118645
Letzte Änderung2020-04-23


Fränkischer Humanist
E' Francesco Gregorio dell'O.S.P.P.E., della nobile famiglia Bannfy ungherese. Visse a Roma e fu priore del cenobio eremitano di S. Stefano sul Celio, da cui verisimilmente prese il soprannome Celio.

Weiterführende Informationen

Weitere Lebensdaten-1515
fl. 1540
AktivitätHumanist (gnd)
InternetquelleOnline Resource
Display the original Edit16 name's record



Beziehungen zu anderen Entitäten

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Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Croke, Richard, 1489-1558
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Eobanus, Helius
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Tulich, Hermann, 1486-1540
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Werler, Veit, ca. 15./16. Jh.
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Gaza, Theodoros, 1398-1476
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AnsetzungsformCoelius, Gregorius
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Coelius, Gregor
verwendet in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany)
Coelius, Gregorius
verwendet in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Celio, Pannonio
verwendet in: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy)
Tatsächlicher NameZäle, Gregor
Wirklicher Name
Variante NamensformAubanus, Gregorius
Aubanus, Gregorius Coelius
Aubanus, Gregorius Cölius
Coelius, Gregor
Coelius, Gregorius, Aubanus
Coell., Gregorius
Coellius, Gregorius
Cölius, Gregorius
G. C. Aubanus
Coelius, Gregorius [Quellen: BSBAK; IBN]
Coelius, Pannonius [Quellen: MLZ]
Coelius, Pannonius
Coelius Pannonius
Nome su edizioni
Francesco Gregorio
Gregorius, Coelius
Gregorius/Franc. [Quellen: BNPC; JO]
Pannonio, Celio


Nachgewiesen inIBN. — BSBAK. — MLZ. — JO. — BNPC
WerkeMARCI TVLLII CICERONIS PRO RE... / Marcus Tullius Cicero, 1522
Theodorus Gaza: THEODORI VIRI VNDECVNQVE DOCTISSIMI Liber Quartus & vltim\[us] de cõstructione R. Croco ... 1516.
Theodorus Gaza: THEODORI VIRI VNDECVNQVE DOCTISSIMI Liber Quartus & vltimus de cõstructione R. Croco ... 1516.

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