CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01099927 Serin, Christian


_id: cnp01099927
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - lang: fre
      text: '[Acquisitions:] 16..'
    - lang: ger
      text: '1641 - 1661'
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#16.5p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#3.6p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen zu Recht (7.14p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#7.14p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Diplomat
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4012401-0
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Jurist
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4029050-5
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Kardinal
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4163313-1
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Politiker
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4046517-2
    - intro: acti
      lang: dut
      text: prelaat
    - intro: acti
      lang: dut
      text: staatsman
    - intro: lang
      lang: eng
      text: French
    - intro: irsp
      lang: fre
      text: Auteur
    - end: 1658
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      start: 1652
      text: Bischof
    - end: 1661
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      start: 1641
      text: Kardinal
    - intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: französischer Diplomat
    - end: 1661
      lang: eng
      start: 1602
      text: 1602-1661
    - end: 1622
      lang: ger
      start: 1544
      text: XX.XX.1544-22.12.1622
    - end: 1661
      lang: ger
      text: gest. 1661
    - location: Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon
      shelfmark: 31243
      title: 'Bie, Jacques de. Les vrais portraits des rois de France tirez de ce qui nous reste de leurs monumens... Paris: Chez Iean Camusat, 1636.'
    - code: LYOP
      searchTerm: BML:BML_06PRV0100031243791
      typeOfResource: prov
    - code: DBIO
        - lang: eng
          text: Biographic Information
      searchTerm: 118579703
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/132961903
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/161365639/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/77490180
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SALU
        - lang: eng
          text: Provenance Information
      searchTerm: 'Mazarin,+Jules'
      typeOfResource: prov
    - code: WIKI
      searchTerm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_Mazarin
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121112687
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cardinal_Mazarin
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/118579703
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: NLSW
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://libris.kb.se/resource/auth/209219
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/027400646/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/17254063
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q166056
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: PARB
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121112687
      typeOfResource: orig
    - code: ISNI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://isni.org/isni/0000000121223121
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: STCN
        - lang: eng
          text: Sample Bibliographic Record
      searchTerm: 850336511
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: STCN
        - lang: eng
          text: Sample Bibliographic Record
      searchTerm: 333051750
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 118579703
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 132961903
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: NLDT
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p06992645X
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: GGSO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: 068-00928-001
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: GGSP
        - lang: eng
          text: See here for occurrences of this person in Germania Sacra Online
      searchTerm: 286458
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: LINK
        - lang: und
          text: Portrait of Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-1661)
      rights: 'Pierre Mignard I / http://www.histoire-image.org/site/oeuvre/analyse.php?i=1272 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cardinal Mazarin by Pierre Mignard (Musée Condé).jpg'
      searchTerm: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Cardinal Mazarin by Pierre Mignard (Musée Condé).jpg
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - auth: StAbUL
      country: GB
      date: 20140520
      id: 763
    - auth: RuNLR
      country: RU
      id: _aMazarini_bG._f1602-1661_gGiulio
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20050216
      id: 28346030X
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20050408
      id: 139793313
    - auth: GyWbHAB
      country: DE
      date: 20050408
      id: 483139645
    - auth: ES-SlU
      country: ES
      date: 20080603
    - auth: FrLy
      country: FR
      date: 20140320
      id: BML:BML_06PRV0100031243791
    - auth: BNF
      catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061
      country: FR
      date: 20030519
      id: FRBNF121112683
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20190606
      id: 118579703
    - auth: GND
      country: DE
      date: 20190712
      id: 132961903
    - auth: NL-HaKB
      country: NL
      date: 20161226
      id: 06992645X
    - auth: GScrO
      country: DE
      date: 20131128
      id: 068-00928-001
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20210225
      id: 118579703
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20230911
      id: 118579703
    - LOC
    - BN
    - LCAuth
    - M
    - NUC
    - GDEL
    - 'Onomasticon / L. Ferrari, 1947'
    - 'Not found in: LCAuth'
  gender: b
    - lang: eng
      text: 'Cardinal and French statesman. Born Piscena, Italy but naturalised as French in 1639. Collector of books and art. Wanted his library to be available to the public, but it was broken up and sold at low prices on an act of Parliament in 1649. Reconstructed it with the help of Francois de la Poterie. Died Vincennes, France 1661.'
    - lang: ger
      text: Franz. Staatsmann (1642-1661 regierender Minister) u. Kardinal italienischer Abstammung; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Univ. Salamanca; Diplomat in päpstlichen Missionen.
    - lang: dut
      text: mb
    - lang: fre
      text: "Cardinal et homme d'État français, d'origine italienne, naturalisé en 1639. Grand collectionneur d’objets d’Art (sculpture, peintures, tapisseries…) et de livres, il instaura Gabriel Naudé, médecin et humaniste, bibliothécaire. Ce dernier enrichitconsidérablement la bibliothèque, achetant un grand nombre d’ouvrages en France et à l’étranger. Mazarin voulait mettre à disposition de tout un chacun cette bibliothèque réputée pour être une des plus belles d’Europe, mais elle fut dispersée endétailet à bas prix sur un arrêt du Parlement en 1649. A son retour, aidé de François de la Poterie, il reconstitua en grande partie sa collection de livres."
    - lang: spa
      text: 'Cardenal y hombre de estado francés. Gran coleccionista de objetos de arte, fundó una gran biblioteca. Hacia 1650, tras caer en desgracia, parte de su biblioteca fue vendida, aunque al volver al poder recuperó bastantes de sus fondos. Por otra parte, parece que en libros de regalo también imprimía sus armas.'
    - lang: dut
      text: is Giulio Mazzarini
    - lang: ger
      text: Französischer Staatsmann (1642-1661 regierender Minister) und Kardinal italienischer Abstammung; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Salamanca; Diplomat in päpstlichen Missionen
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: FR
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: IT
    - intro: ctry
      lang: eng
      text: France
    - intro: ctry
      lang: eng
      text: Italy
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: France
    - end: 1658
      intro: dioc
      lang: ger
      start: 1652
      text: Metz
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - addition: Cardinal
        - StAbUL
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
        - RuNLR
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - GyGoGBV
        - ES-SlU
        - GyFmDB
        - GyWbHAB
        - NeNKHB
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - addition: 1602-1661
        - FrLy
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
        - GyFmDB
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - NeHKB
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - GScrO
    - title: 'Pierre Gasnault, «De la bibliothèque de Mazarin à la bibliothèque Mazarine», en C. Jolly (dir.), "Histoire des bibliothèques françaises. Les bibliothèques sous l’Ancien Régime 1530-1789", Paris 1988," "págs. 135-145.'
    - title: BN Cat. gén.
    - title: 'Bréviaire des politiciens / Cardinal Jules Mazarin ; trad. du latin et présenté par Florence Dupont ; postf. de Giovanni Macchia, 1984'
    - title: 'Epistolario inedito / del cardinal Mazzarino ; pubblicato da Carlo Morbio, 1842'
    - title: 'Le vrai testamant du défunt cardinal Jul. Mazarini, corêct é an la bone ortografe, 1663'
    - title: 'Brief geschreven door Sijn Eminentie den cardinael Julius Mazaryn aen Sijn Keurs, [1660]'
    - title: 'Das Europäische Staats- und Kriegs-Labyrinth, worinnen beschrieben, welchen Gestalt und warum das Christliche Europa, sambt dessen höchsten Häuptern von vielen Jahren hero fast nicht anders, als ein Friedensgehäßiger und blutiger Jrr-Garten gewesen, aus einem unnöthigen Krieg in den andern verfallen, einen Frieden nach dem andern gemachet und wieder zernichtet, wodurch die Europäischen Reiche und Länder mit denen Unterthanen mercklich ruiniret, meist aus Machiavell- und Mazarinischen corrupten Maximen und Intriquen, insonderheit was der Frantzöß. Spanische Krieg endlich vor einen Ausgand nehmen werde, 1702'
    - title: 'Les injustes prétentions de Julle Mazarin. - 1649'
    - title: 'Les lettres du C. Mazarin envoyées à la Reyne ... - 1652'
    - title: 'Les quatre lettres du Card. Mazarin envoyées à ses conféderez. - 1652'
    - title: 'Lettre du Cardinal Mazarin envoyée à la Reyne touchant sa sortie hors d*. - 1651'
    - title: 'Cento discorsi .... - 1600'
    - title: 'Cento discorsi .... - 1601'
    - title: 'Conciones centum in Psalm quinquagesimum. - 1611'
    - title: 'David. - 1612'
    - title: 'Discorsi sopra la conclusione del Salmo 50. - 1611'
    - title: 'Le Bransle Mazarin. - 1649'
    - title: 'Le Cardinal Mazarin pris au Tribuchet. - 1649'
    - title: 'Le Cardinal Mazarin. - 1671'
    - title: 'Lettres. - 1690'
    - title: 'Lettres. - 1693'
    - title: 'Mazarin, Jules: Les lettres du C. Mazarin envoyées à la Reyne .... - 1652'
    - title: 'Mazarin, Jules: Les quatre lettres du Card. Mazarin envoyées à ses conféderez. - 1652'
    - title: 'Mazarin, Jules: Lettre du Cardinal Mazarin envoyée à la Reyne touchant sa sortie hors d*. - 1651'
    - title: 'Mazarini, Giulio: David. - 1602'
    - title: 'Mazarini, Giulio: David. - 1607'
    - title: 'Mazarini, Giulio: David. - 1612'
    - title: 'Recueil de Memoires, touchant Mr. le Cardinal Mazarin. - s.a.'
    - id: ppn850336511
      source: STCN
      title: 'Brief van den heer cardinael Mazarin, aen [...] Lo..., 1652'
    - id: ppn333051750
      source: STCN
      title: "Lettres du cardinal Mazarin. Où l'on voit le sec..., 1745"
    point: {}
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Cardinal
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: G.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Marzarinus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Masarini
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarein
        - firstname: Iulles
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Kardinal
        - entry: Mazarin
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: ...
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Iules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Iulle
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jule
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Julles
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - addition: Cardinal
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - addition: Kardinal
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarine
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Kardinal
        - entry: Mazarini
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Džulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Kardinal
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Guilio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Julio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - addition: Cardinalis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinns
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarino
        - firstname: Giulio Raimondo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - firstname: Jul.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - addition: Cardinalis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazerino
        - firstname: Julio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: WBIS
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: ...
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio R.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio Raimondo
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: '[falsche Namensform]'
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Guilio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarinus
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarinus
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Julle
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarine
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: falsche Namensform
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Guilio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazaryn
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio Raimondo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: ...
        - addition: M.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Cardinal Mazarin
      typeOfName: varn
    - id: cnl00015107
        - name: Vincennes
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - id: cnl00020735
        - name: Pescina
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00020735
        - lang: ger
          text: Geburtsort
        - name: Pescina
      tmp: (GND)4301157-3
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00015106
        - lang: ger
          text: Sterbeort
        - name: Vincennes
      tmp: (GND)4119449-4
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - cnp01883183
    - cnp01924493
    - cnp00395801
    - cnp00832347
    - cnp00944167
    - cnp01101646
    - cnp01161655
    - cnp01325533
    - cnp00065580
    - cnp02286953
    - id: cnp01384885
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung familiaer
        - lang: ger
          text: Neffe
        - entry: Nevers
        - firstname: Philippe Julien Mancini-Mazarini
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1639-1707
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezf'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01470073
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung beruflich
        - entry: Richelieu
        - firstname: Armand Jean du Plessis
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1585-1642
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezb'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01470073
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung beruflich
        - entry: Richelieu
        - firstname: Armand Jean du Plessis
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1585-1642
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezb'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01994335
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung familiaer
        - lang: ger
          text: Vater
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Pietro
        - addition: 1576-1654
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezf'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasParent
    - description: 'superlibros heráldico: esc. dorado con un hacha cortada por una faja con tres estrellas de cinco puntas en ambas cubiertas (BG/7689; 27567 [ambos tienen una signatura antigua, probablemente de un colegio mayor])'
        - text: Imagen BG/7689 (Please browse through register by name.)
          url: http://campus.usal.es/~bgh/1024/html/indexlis.htm
      typeOfSign: exli
    - description: "Reliure veau fauve à ses armes : \"D'azur au faisceau de licteur d'or, lié d'argent ; à la fasce brochante de gueules, chargée de trois étoiles d'or.\"."
      typeOfSign: unkn
  typeOfEntry: 0
    - cnp01237176
    - cnp02118690
    - a18
    - VIAF merged record
    - stcn
    - timestamp: 2007-05-16T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2015-12-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2017-02-20T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2007-07-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2008-10-05T10:49:40Z
    - timestamp: 2010-06-27T10:09:38Z
    - timestamp: 2011-05-23T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2011-09-30T08:12:02Z
    - timestamp: 2012-03-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2012-06-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2014-11-11T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-16T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-04-18T08:48:27Z
    - timestamp: 2019-04-18T08:55:55Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-09-25T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-09-26T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-11-07T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-05-27T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-01T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-08T11:08:22Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-01-28T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-03-13T15:37:43Z
    - timestamp: 2021-03-15T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-04-11T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-12-04T09:36:26Z
    - timestamp: 2022-01-07T09:58:01Z
    - timestamp: 2022-01-07T10:05:43Z
    - timestamp: 2023-02-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2023-11-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z
    - archaeo18
    - GVK provenance
    - SBB Retrokonversion
    - 'SBB: [1602 - 1661]'
    - 'a10 - a15: Normdaten-CD-ROM, Stand Juli 97; a16 - a17 Vorlage'
    - nicht-individualisierter Normsatz
    - BAV|ADV10304946
    - BNE|XX826512
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    - NKC|xx0001816
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    - NLIlat|000090768
    - NUKAT|n 2003040290
    - PTBNP|204041
    - 'Provenance information available in the Catalogue général de la BnF - http://catalogue.bnf.fr/'
    - RERO|vtls000112351
    - SELIBR|209219
    - SUDOC|027400646
    - SWNL|vtls000139078
  status: n
depiction of ...
Portrait of Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-1661)
[Pierre Mignard I / http://www.histoire-image.org/site/oeuvre/analyse.php?i=1272 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cardinal Mazarin by Pierre Mignard (Musée Condé).jpg]

Bibliographic records

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SUDOC (France)
Authority record
Authority record
SUDOC (France)
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_id: cnp01099927
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      text: '[Acquisitions:] 16..'
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      text: '1641 - 1661'
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      intro: acti
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      text: 'Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)'
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    - authority: gnd
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    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
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    - intro: acti
      lang: dut
      text: prelaat
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      text: Auteur
    - end: 1658
      intro: acti
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      start: 1652
      text: Bischof
    - end: 1661
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      text: französischer Diplomat
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      start: 1602
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    - end: 1622
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    - location: Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon
      shelfmark: 31243
      title: 'Bie, Jacques de. Les vrais portraits des rois de France tirez de ce qui nous reste de leurs monumens... Paris: Chez Iean Camusat, 1636.'
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      searchTerm: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Cardinal_Mazarin
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      searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121112687
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    - code: ISNI
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      searchTerm: 068-00928-001
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: GGSP
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          text: See here for occurrences of this person in Germania Sacra Online
      searchTerm: 286458
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: LINK
        - lang: und
          text: Portrait of Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-1661)
      rights: 'Pierre Mignard I / http://www.histoire-image.org/site/oeuvre/analyse.php?i=1272 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cardinal Mazarin by Pierre Mignard (Musée Condé).jpg'
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    - LOC
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    - 'Onomasticon / L. Ferrari, 1947'
    - 'Not found in: LCAuth'
  gender: b
    - lang: eng
      text: 'Cardinal and French statesman. Born Piscena, Italy but naturalised as French in 1639. Collector of books and art. Wanted his library to be available to the public, but it was broken up and sold at low prices on an act of Parliament in 1649. Reconstructed it with the help of Francois de la Poterie. Died Vincennes, France 1661.'
    - lang: ger
      text: Franz. Staatsmann (1642-1661 regierender Minister) u. Kardinal italienischer Abstammung; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Univ. Salamanca; Diplomat in päpstlichen Missionen.
    - lang: dut
      text: mb
    - lang: fre
      text: "Cardinal et homme d'État français, d'origine italienne, naturalisé en 1639. Grand collectionneur d’objets d’Art (sculpture, peintures, tapisseries…) et de livres, il instaura Gabriel Naudé, médecin et humaniste, bibliothécaire. Ce dernier enrichitconsidérablement la bibliothèque, achetant un grand nombre d’ouvrages en France et à l’étranger. Mazarin voulait mettre à disposition de tout un chacun cette bibliothèque réputée pour être une des plus belles d’Europe, mais elle fut dispersée endétailet à bas prix sur un arrêt du Parlement en 1649. A son retour, aidé de François de la Poterie, il reconstitua en grande partie sa collection de livres."
    - lang: spa
      text: 'Cardenal y hombre de estado francés. Gran coleccionista de objetos de arte, fundó una gran biblioteca. Hacia 1650, tras caer en desgracia, parte de su biblioteca fue vendida, aunque al volver al poder recuperó bastantes de sus fondos. Por otra parte, parece que en libros de regalo también imprimía sus armas.'
    - lang: dut
      text: is Giulio Mazzarini
    - lang: ger
      text: Französischer Staatsmann (1642-1661 regierender Minister) und Kardinal italienischer Abstammung; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Salamanca; Diplomat in päpstlichen Missionen
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: FR
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: IT
    - intro: ctry
      lang: eng
      text: France
    - intro: ctry
      lang: eng
      text: Italy
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: France
    - end: 1658
      intro: dioc
      lang: ger
      start: 1652
      text: Metz
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - addition: Cardinal
        - StAbUL
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
        - RuNLR
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - GyGoGBV
        - ES-SlU
        - GyFmDB
        - GyWbHAB
        - NeNKHB
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - addition: 1602-1661
        - FrLy
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
        - GyFmDB
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - NeHKB
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jules
        - GScrO
    - title: 'Pierre Gasnault, «De la bibliothèque de Mazarin à la bibliothèque Mazarine», en C. Jolly (dir.), "Histoire des bibliothèques françaises. Les bibliothèques sous l’Ancien Régime 1530-1789", Paris 1988," "págs. 135-145.'
    - title: BN Cat. gén.
    - title: 'Bréviaire des politiciens / Cardinal Jules Mazarin ; trad. du latin et présenté par Florence Dupont ; postf. de Giovanni Macchia, 1984'
    - title: 'Epistolario inedito / del cardinal Mazzarino ; pubblicato da Carlo Morbio, 1842'
    - title: 'Le vrai testamant du défunt cardinal Jul. Mazarini, corêct é an la bone ortografe, 1663'
    - title: 'Brief geschreven door Sijn Eminentie den cardinael Julius Mazaryn aen Sijn Keurs, [1660]'
    - title: 'Das Europäische Staats- und Kriegs-Labyrinth, worinnen beschrieben, welchen Gestalt und warum das Christliche Europa, sambt dessen höchsten Häuptern von vielen Jahren hero fast nicht anders, als ein Friedensgehäßiger und blutiger Jrr-Garten gewesen, aus einem unnöthigen Krieg in den andern verfallen, einen Frieden nach dem andern gemachet und wieder zernichtet, wodurch die Europäischen Reiche und Länder mit denen Unterthanen mercklich ruiniret, meist aus Machiavell- und Mazarinischen corrupten Maximen und Intriquen, insonderheit was der Frantzöß. Spanische Krieg endlich vor einen Ausgand nehmen werde, 1702'
    - title: 'Les injustes prétentions de Julle Mazarin. - 1649'
    - title: 'Les lettres du C. Mazarin envoyées à la Reyne ... - 1652'
    - title: 'Les quatre lettres du Card. Mazarin envoyées à ses conféderez. - 1652'
    - title: 'Lettre du Cardinal Mazarin envoyée à la Reyne touchant sa sortie hors d*. - 1651'
    - title: 'Cento discorsi .... - 1600'
    - title: 'Cento discorsi .... - 1601'
    - title: 'Conciones centum in Psalm quinquagesimum. - 1611'
    - title: 'David. - 1612'
    - title: 'Discorsi sopra la conclusione del Salmo 50. - 1611'
    - title: 'Le Bransle Mazarin. - 1649'
    - title: 'Le Cardinal Mazarin pris au Tribuchet. - 1649'
    - title: 'Le Cardinal Mazarin. - 1671'
    - title: 'Lettres. - 1690'
    - title: 'Lettres. - 1693'
    - title: 'Mazarin, Jules: Les lettres du C. Mazarin envoyées à la Reyne .... - 1652'
    - title: 'Mazarin, Jules: Les quatre lettres du Card. Mazarin envoyées à ses conféderez. - 1652'
    - title: 'Mazarin, Jules: Lettre du Cardinal Mazarin envoyée à la Reyne touchant sa sortie hors d*. - 1651'
    - title: 'Mazarini, Giulio: David. - 1602'
    - title: 'Mazarini, Giulio: David. - 1607'
    - title: 'Mazarini, Giulio: David. - 1612'
    - title: 'Recueil de Memoires, touchant Mr. le Cardinal Mazarin. - s.a.'
    - id: ppn850336511
      source: STCN
      title: 'Brief van den heer cardinael Mazarin, aen [...] Lo..., 1652'
    - id: ppn333051750
      source: STCN
      title: "Lettres du cardinal Mazarin. Où l'on voit le sec..., 1745"
    point: {}
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Cardinal
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: G.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Marzarinus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Masarini
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarein
        - firstname: Iulles
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Kardinal
        - entry: Mazarin
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: ...
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Iules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Iulle
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    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Jule
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Julles
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
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      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - addition: Kardinal
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarine
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      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Kardinal
        - entry: Mazarini
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Džulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Kardinal
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Guilio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Julio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarini
        - addition: Cardinalis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinns
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarino
        - firstname: Giulio Raimondo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - firstname: Jul.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarinus
        - addition: Cardinalis
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazerino
        - firstname: Julio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: WBIS
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: ...
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio R.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio Raimondo
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: '[falsche Namensform]'
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Guilio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Jules
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarinus
        - firstname: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarinus
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: Julle
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarine
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: falsche Namensform
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Guilio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazaryn
        - firstname: Julius
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Italian
        - entry: Mazzarino
        - firstname: Giulio Raimondo
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazarin
        - firstname: ...
        - addition: M.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Mazzarini
        - firstname: Giulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Cardinal Mazarin
      typeOfName: varn
    - id: cnl00015107
        - name: Vincennes
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - id: cnl00020735
        - name: Pescina
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00020735
        - lang: ger
          text: Geburtsort
        - name: Pescina
      tmp: (GND)4301157-3
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00015106
        - lang: ger
          text: Sterbeort
        - name: Vincennes
      tmp: (GND)4119449-4
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - cnp01883183
    - cnp01924493
    - cnp00395801
    - cnp00832347
    - cnp00944167
    - cnp01101646
    - cnp01161655
    - cnp01325533
    - cnp00065580
    - cnp02286953
    - id: cnp01384885
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung familiaer
        - lang: ger
          text: Neffe
        - entry: Nevers
        - firstname: Philippe Julien Mancini-Mazarini
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1639-1707
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezf'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01470073
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung beruflich
        - entry: Richelieu
        - firstname: Armand Jean du Plessis
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1585-1642
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezb'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01470073
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung beruflich
        - entry: Richelieu
        - firstname: Armand Jean du Plessis
        - nonsort: de
        - addition: 1585-1642
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezb'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - id: cnp01994335
        - lang: ger
          text: Beziehung familiaer
        - lang: ger
          text: Vater
        - entry: Mazarini
        - firstname: Pietro
        - addition: 1576-1654
      tmp: 'GNDrelationship-code: bezf'
      typeOfEntity: cnp
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasParent
    - description: 'superlibros heráldico: esc. dorado con un hacha cortada por una faja con tres estrellas de cinco puntas en ambas cubiertas (BG/7689; 27567 [ambos tienen una signatura antigua, probablemente de un colegio mayor])'
        - text: Imagen BG/7689 (Please browse through register by name.)
          url: http://campus.usal.es/~bgh/1024/html/indexlis.htm
      typeOfSign: exli
    - description: "Reliure veau fauve à ses armes : \"D'azur au faisceau de licteur d'or, lié d'argent ; à la fasce brochante de gueules, chargée de trois étoiles d'or.\"."
      typeOfSign: unkn
  typeOfEntry: 0
    - cnp01237176
    - cnp02118690
    - a18
    - VIAF merged record
    - stcn
    - timestamp: 2007-05-16T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2015-12-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2017-02-20T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2007-07-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2008-10-05T10:49:40Z
    - timestamp: 2010-06-27T10:09:38Z
    - timestamp: 2011-05-23T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2011-09-30T08:12:02Z
    - timestamp: 2012-03-02T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2012-06-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2014-11-11T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-16T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-04-18T08:48:27Z
    - timestamp: 2019-04-18T08:55:55Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-09-25T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-09-26T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-11-07T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-05-27T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-01T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-08T11:08:22Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-01-28T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-03-13T15:37:43Z
    - timestamp: 2021-03-15T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-04-11T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-12-04T09:36:26Z
    - timestamp: 2022-01-07T09:58:01Z
    - timestamp: 2022-01-07T10:05:43Z
    - timestamp: 2023-02-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2023-11-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z
    - archaeo18
    - GVK provenance
    - SBB Retrokonversion
    - 'SBB: [1602 - 1661]'
    - 'a10 - a15: Normdaten-CD-ROM, Stand Juli 97; a16 - a17 Vorlage'
    - nicht-individualisierter Normsatz
    - BAV|ADV10304946
    - BNE|XX826512
    - LC|n 50078533
    - NKC|xx0001816
    - NLA|000036467193
    - NLIlat|000090768
    - NUKAT|n 2003040290
    - PTBNP|204041
    - 'Provenance information available in the Catalogue général de la BnF - http://catalogue.bnf.fr/'
    - RERO|vtls000112351
    - SELIBR|209219
    - SUDOC|027400646
    - SWNL|vtls000139078
  status: n