RubriqueSalis-Soglio, Johann Ulrich ¬von¬ utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
VarianteSalis Soglio, Johann Ulrich ¬von¬
Salis-Soglio, I... U... ¬von¬
Soglio, Johann Ulrich von Salis-
Trouvé dansHist. Lex. Schweiz. — Wikipedia
General Johann-Ulrich von Salis-Soglio (1790-1874), he was the commander of the Catholic Sonderbund cantons (1847), although he himself were a Protestant. Engraving, 19th century [scan by sidonius 16:09, 23 January 2007 (UTC) / Hundert Jahre Schweizer Wehrmacht. Hrsg. von Oberst i. Gst. Dr. Feldmann. Bern 1935. -- Public domain --]
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