0RL 00000nz 22000003 45 001 cnp01034455 035 $zcnp00020380 100 $a20070115xmuly50 ba 110 $a0 200 1$aJenner$bHenry$cDE$5GyGoGBV$cUK$5ESTC(AACR2) 290 $aESTC/NA/85-02-22 290 $aWellcome(1766?-1851) 290 $aNot found in DNB nor NLM nor ICSGO 291 1$aHis An address to the public on the advantages of vaccine inoculation, 1800?(tp)=Henry Jenner, Surgeon, F.L.S. 350 1$0acti$8ger$aWundarzt in Berkeley, e1799 801 $aDE$bGyGoGBV$c20020831$n14972389X 801 $aGB$bESTC$ntb014230 830 $aBLAISE-No. current:12023688 old:12023688 file:BEIG 998 $a20070115$b12:00:00 999 $a20080927$b15:41:56 999 $a20080927$b15:42:06 999 $a20190821$b12:00:00