Broughton, Hugh
biogrDataShort1549 - 1612
deathplaceTottenham (Grande-Bretagne)
Dernière modification2024-02-08
Engl. Theologe u. Hebraist; Puritaner; übersetzte die Apocryphen ins Hebräische
Geburtsort: Oldbury, Sterbeort: Tottenham; engl. Theologe und Hebraist; Puritaner; übersetzte die Apocryphen ins Hebräische
Gelehrter, Theologe
Théologien. - Hébraïste
A aussi écrit en latin
Note de regroupement par domaine: Religion (ouvrages généraux et comparatifs) (200)
Buxtorf, Johannes
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Egli, Raphael
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Polan, Amandus
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Zwinger, Jakob
Bekanntschaft. -- Basel; VD-16 Mitverf.
foundInLCAuth. — WBIS. — LCAuth. — LCAuth / OGND + Lebensdaten. — The works / of the great Albionean divine, renown'd in many nations for rare skill in Salems & Athens tongues, and familiar acquaintance with all rabbinical learning, Mr. Hugh Broughton : Collected into one volume, and digested into four tomes, 1662. — VIAF - — Oxford dictionary of national biography - (2018-04-07)
imprintSourceDaniel. 1599.
Waser, Kaspar: Brevis tractatio hebraeolatina, de quantitate et ratione carminum Hebraicorum. 1600.
A censure of the late translation of the Bible for our churches. - 1612
A comment upon Coheleth or Ecclesiastes. - 1605
A concent of scripture. - [1590]
An advertisement of corruption in our handling of religion. - 1604
An advertisement of corruption in our handling of religion. - 1605
An answear unto the privy councell. - 1597
An apologie in briefe assertions defending that our Lord died in the t*. - 1592
Broughton, Hugh: A concent of scripture. - s.a.
Broughton, Hugh: Concentus S. Scripturae. - 1606
Concentus S. Scripturae. - 1606
Familia Davidis, quatenus regnum spectat. - 1605
An epistle to the learned nobilitie of England. To... / By Hugh Broughton..., 1597
De alghemeyne verthooninghe der heyligher Schriftu... / By Hugo Broughton. ; Translated from the Engli..., 1618