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thesaurus/cnp00976244 Mīr Ḫwānd

Mīr Ḫwānd

Record IDcnp00976244
Dati biografici1433 - 1498
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Rauḍat aṣ-safaʾ fī sīrat al-anbiyāʾ wa-ʾl-mulūk wa-ʾl-ẖulafāʾ; timuridischer Historiker aus Herat
Pers. Geschichtsschreiber (1433-1498)

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1433-1498. Lebensdaten in islamischer Zeitrechnung: 837-903/04 h.q.
AttivitàPersischer Historiker
Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Nota geograficaIR (iso3166)


IntestazioneMīr Ḫwānd
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Mīr Ḫwānd
Usata in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Mirchond, Mohammed
Mirchond, Mohammes
Mirchondi, ...
Mirchondus, ...
Mirehond, ...
Mirkhond, Mohammed
Mirkond, Mohammed
Mohammed, Chavendschahi
Mohammed, filius Chondschahi
Muhammed Bin Chavendshah
Muhammed Chavendschahi
Muhammed ben Kháwendscháh ben Mahmúd
Muḣammad Ibn Khāvand Shāh
Muḥammad Ibn Sayyid Burhān id-Dīn Ḫāwand Šāh Mīr Ḫwānd
Muḥammad Ibn Ḫāwandšāh Mīr Ḫwand
Muḥammad Ibn-Hāwand-šah Mīrhwānd
Muḥammad Ibn-Ḫawand-Šāh Ibn-Maḥmūd
Muḥammad Ibn-Ḫwānd-Šāh Ibn-Maḥmūd
Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad Ibn Khāvandshāh
Mīr Khvānd, Muḥammad ibn Khāvandshāh
Mīr Khwānd
Mīr Khāvand
Mīr Ḫwānd, Muḥammad Ibn Ḫāwand Šāh
Mīr Ḫwānd, Muḥammad Ibn Ḫāwandšāh
Mīrhwānd, Muḥammad Ibn-Hāwand-šāh
Mīrḫwānd, Muḥammad Ibn Ḫāwandšāh
Ḫwandšāh, Mīr Muḥammad Burhān-ad-Dīn
Mĭ̄r Khwānd
Muḥammad Ibn-Ḫāwand-Šāh Ibn-Maḥmūd
Mīr Muḥammad Ibn-Sayyid Burhān-ad-Dīn Ḫāwand Šāh
Muhammad ibn Khvandshah ibn Mahmud
[Cyrillic, *Russian*]
Мухаммед ибн Хонд-шах ибн Махмуд
[Cyrillic, *Russian*]
محمد بن خاوندشاه بن محمود
[Arabic, *Persian*]
مير خواند
[Arabic, *Persian*]

Fonti esterne

Trovato inEI2. — Storey. — LCAuth. — Wikipedia (pers.): Stand: 03.02.2022: https://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/میرخواند. — Wikipedia (dt.): Stand: 03.02.2022: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mīrchānd. — Wikipedia (engl.): Stand: 03.02.2022: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirkhvand
Fonti a stampaMuhammed ben Kháwendscháh ben Mahmúd: The History of the Atábeks of Syria and Persia. - 1848
Geschichte der Sultane aus dem Geschlechte Bujeh. - 1835
Guftār dar qaḍāyā-i Atābakān wa čigūnagī-i aḥwāl-i īšān. - 1848
Histoire des Samanides. - 1974
Histoire des Sassanides. - 1843
Historia priorum regum persarum post firmatum in regno islamismum. - 1782
History of the early kings of Persia. - 1832
Mirchond's Geschichte der Seldschuken. - 1837
Mohammedi Filii Chondschahi vulgo Mirchondi historia Samandiarum. - 1832
Mohammedis Filii Chavendschahi vulgo Mirchondi historia Samandiarum. - 1808
Notice de l'histoire universelle de Mirkhond intituleé le jardin de la pureté. - 1812
Histoire des Samanides. - 1845
Histoire des rois de Perse, de la dynastie des Sassanides
History of the early kings of Persia from Kaismars the first of the peshda*. - 1832
depiction of ...
Mir Muhammad ibn Khawand Shah bin Mahmud (Mirkhwand) (d. 1498 AD): Rawdat al-Safa Fi Sirat al-Anbiya' Wa al-muluk wa al-KhulafaSafavid Iran, dated Muharram 1045 / June 1635The Gardens of purity in the biography of the prophets and kings and caliphs, Persian manuscript on paper, 304ff. plus five flyleaves, 21ll. of black naksh within gold and polychrome rules, important words in gold, blue and red, occasional marginal anotations, catchwords, illuminated royal library shamsa pasted on the opening folio, followed by an illuminated chapter heading, colophon, in contemporanous gilt stamped Safavid binding, gilt painted and découpé polychrome morocco doublures, occasional staining to the folios, in an overall good conditionProvenance: Royal library of Shah Safi Safavi (r. 1629-42) Our copy is the fourth volume of the Rawdat al-Safa. The text was originally completed by Mir Khwand in seven volumes in 1497 AD.
[Christies.com / https://www.christies.com/lot/lot-6255712 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mir Muhammad ibn Khawand Shah bin Mahmud (Mirkhwand) (d. 1498 AD)- Rawdat al-Safa Fi Sirat al-Anbiya' Wa al-muluk wa al-Khulafa Safavid Iran, dated Muharram 1045, i.e. June 1635.jpg]

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