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thesaurus/cnp00973688 Mercado, Pedro ¬de¬

Mercado, Pedro ¬de¬

Record IDcnp00973688
Biographical Data1620 - 1701
Place of BirthRiobamba
Last Edit2019-09-25

General Note

Span. Jesuit; nicht identisch mit "Peter Merkas"; lt. Backer-Sommervogel haben beide ein Werk mit gleichem Titel verfaßt

More Information

Further Biographical Data1620-1701. anderslt. Geburtsjahr: 1618
Geographic NoteEC (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthRiobamba


HeadingMercado, Pedro ¬de¬
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Mercado, Petro
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameMercado, Pedro
Mercado, Peter ¬de¬
Mercado, Petrus ¬de¬
Mercado, Pietro
Mercado, Piètro
Mercadus, Petrus
Mercati, Pietro
Mercato, Petrus
Mercato, Pietro
Mercatus, Petrus


Found inNUC. — WBIS (ABEPI I 599,8-10. — II 591,213. — IV 405,206-214 und BAChr 254,45-51)
Imprint SourcesDestruccion del idolo que diran? - 1655
Distruttione dell'idolo che diran? - 1692
Excidium idoli, quid dicent? - 1697

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