@prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix ct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix rel: . @prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix edm: . @prefix gn: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "C., G., E. of, George Earl of Cromarty", "Cromartie, George Mackenzie ¬of¬ ", "Cromartie, George Mackenzie, Earl of", "Cromartie, Mackenzie", "Cromerty, George Mackenzie, Earl of", "G., E. of C., George Earl of Cromarty", "G. E. of C., George Earl of Cromarty", "George, Tarbat, Viscount", "M'Kenzie, George", "Mackenzie, George", "Mackenzie, George of Cromarty", "Mackenzie Cromarty, George", "Mackenzie of Cromarty, George", "McKenzie, George", "Peer in Scotland", "Person of quality", "Cromarty, George Mackenzie", "Cromarty, George Mackenzie"; owl:sameAs , , , gnd:129152331, , ; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1630"^^xsd:gYear; rdf:type ; skos:note "TA record has same number. - (009578) 1654 succeeded Bart.; 1703 created Earl. F.R.S."@en, "1. Earl of Cromarty"@de; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "T027313=George, Earl of Cromarty", "The mistaken advantage. - 1695"; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of", "Mackenzie, George", "Mackenzie, George, Earl of Cromarty (1st)", "Cromarty, George Mackenzie ¬of¬ "; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "1630-1714"; rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1714"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "George Mackenzie Viscount Tarbat 1. Earl of Cromarty"@de.