@prefix ct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix rel: . @prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix edm: . @prefix gn: . rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "English"@en, "Auteur"@fr, "Hydrologe"@de, "Kartograf"@de, "Kupferstecher"@de, "Verleger"@de; rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1784"^^xsd:gYear, "1784"^^xsd:gYear; ct:geographicNote "United Kingdom"@en, "Adresse: Clerkenwell Green (1754), Opposite Ely Gate Holborn (1756-1757), Charing Cross (1758-1767), Holborn Hill (1768-1779"@fr, "Großbritannien"@de; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "1718-1784"@fr, "d. 1784"@en, "1718-1784"@de; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Kitchen, Thomas", "Kitchin, Thomas, Senior", "Kitchin, Thomas"; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "A general atlas describing the whole Universe in sixty-two Copper Plat*. - 1782", "An Accurate Map of Sussex. - 1971", "An Accurate Map of the County Of Salop Divided into its Hundreds. - 1971", "An Accurate Map of Warwickshire. - 1971", "Bowen, Emanuel: The large English Atlas: or a new set of maps of all the counties in En*. - c. 1750", "Entick, John: The present state of the British Empire", "Falkner, Thomas: A description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America. - 1774", "Kitchin, Thomas: A general atlas describing the whole Universe in sixty-two Copper Plat*. - 1782", "Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. - 1752-55", "North Britain Or Scotland. - [ca. 1983]", "South America. - 1976", "T091074: his The traveller's guide through England and Wales, 1783 tp=By Thomas Kitchen"; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; rdf:type ; skos:note "Hydrographe du roi. - Graveur et éditeur"@fr, "PND-Grundbestand"@de; gn:countryCode "GB"; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1718"^^xsd:gYear, "1718"^^xsd:gYear; owl:sameAs , , , , , , , , gnd:131518232, ; rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "Kitchin, Thomas", "Kitchen, T.", "Kitchen, Thomas", "Kitchin, ...", "Kitchin, T.", "Kitchin, T., Thomas", "Kitchin, Tho.", "Kitshin, Thomas"; rdaGr2:gender .