@prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rel: . @prefix ct: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix gn: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix edm: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "Alting, Henri", "Alting, Henricus", "Alting, Johann Heinrich", "Alting, Johannes Henricus", "Altingius, Henricus", "Altingus, Henricus", "Altingius, Hendrik", "Alting, Hendrik", "Alting, Heinrich", "Alting, Johann H."; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "A votive oration for the government of Fredericke the V. Palatine of *. - 1615", "Historia de ecclesiis Palatinis. - 1728", "Historia ecclesiae Palatinae. - 1702", "Historia ecclesiastica Palatina. - 1701", "Oratio secularis de miseria ecclesiae a rom. papatu oppressae, deque fe*. - 1618", "Oratio votiva pro auspicali gubernatione ser. Princ. Friderici V. Palat*. - 1614", "S100121: A votiue oration for the auspicial gouernment of the most high and mightie prince and lord, L. Fredericke the V. Palatine of Rhene, Arch-Sevver and Elector of the S. Romane Empire, Duke of Bavaria, &c. Made the last day of September anno Dom. 1614. in a most honourable assemblie in the Vniversity at heidelberge, by Henrie Alting, publicke professor of diuinitie. And translated by VVilliam VValker, 1615", "Scriptores theologici heidelbergenses. - 1646", "Scriptores theologici heidelbergenses. - 1662", "Theologia historica. - 1664", "Narratio historica de ortu, vitæ curriculo, rebus... / By Henricus Alting..., 1629", "Leevensbeschryving van den jonkheer Abel Koenders... / By Hendrik Alting. ; Translated from the Latin..., 1775"; skos:note "Dt. evang. Theologe; Prof. an der Univ. Heidelberg"@de, "Geburtsort: Emden, Sterbeort: Groningen; evangelischer Theologe; Professor an der Universität Heidelberg; Sohn von Menso Alting, Vater von Menso und Jacob Alting"@de, "Professor an der Universität Heidelberg"@de, "Theologe"@de, "http://dbnl-srv-p200.dmz.kb.nl/auteurs/auteur.php?id=alti012"@nl, "theoloog, oriëntalist; was hoogleraar theologie en Hebreeuwse taal universiteit Groningen"@nl, "vader van oriëntalist/hebraïcus Jacobus Altingius (1618-1679)"@nl; rdf:type ; ct:geographicNote "Deutschland"@de, "Niederlande"@de; gn:countryCode "DE", "NL"; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1583"^^xsd:gYear, "1583"^^xsd:gYear, "1583"^^xsd:gYear; rel:childOf ; rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)"@de, "Evangelischer Theologe"@de, "Theologe"@de, "hoogleraar theologie"@nl, "predikant"@nl, "Professor der Theologie in Heidelberg u. Groningen"@de, "Reformierter Theologe"@de; rel:parentOf , ; rdaGr2:gender ; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Alting, Heinrich", "Alting, Henricus", "Alting, Heinrich"; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "17.02.1583-05.08.1644"@de, "1583-1644", "17.02.1583-25.08.1644"@de; rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1644"^^xsd:gYear, "1644"^^xsd:gYear, "1644"^^xsd:gYear; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; owl:sameAs , , , , , , , gnd:116294647, , , , .