foundInGK55. — FEA3=Balguy, Thomas, D.D.; d. 1795.1.19; Archdeacon of Winchester 1759-1795. — DNB=Balguy, Thomas, 1716-1795. — NUC=Balguy, Thomas, 1716-1795. — WBIS, BBA I 60,369-386. — II 1275,34-35
imprintSourceT047544: his A sermon preached at Lambeth Chapel, 1769 tp=By Thomas Balguy
Divine benevolence asserted and vindicated from the objections of ancient and modern sceptics .... - 1782
Eberhard, Johann August: Die göttliche Güte gerechtfertigt und gegen die Einwürfe alter und neuer Zweifler vertheidigt .... - 1782