@prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix rel: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix gn: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix ct: . @prefix owl: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix edm: . owl:sameAs , , , gnd:122697421, , ; gn:countryCode "IT"; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1268"^^xsd:gYear, "1265"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:gender ; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Emmanuel ben Salomon de Rome", "ʿImanuʾel ben Shelomoh", "ʿImmānû'ēl Ben-ŠelomocDE"; rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1328"^^xsd:gYear, "1330"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "1268-1328"@fr, "1265-1330. Lebensdaten ca."@de, "gest. 1330"@de; rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "Hebrew"@en, "Auteur"@fr, "Personen zu Literaturgeschichte (Schriftsteller) (12.2p)"@de, "Personen zu allgemeiner und vergleichender Religionswissenschaft, Personen zu nichtchristlichen Religionen (3.1p)"@de, "Lyriker"@de, "Hölle und Paradies"@de; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "ʿImmānû'ēl Ben-Šelomo: Sēfer Maḥberôt ʿImmānû'ēl. - 1534 [i.e. 5295 hebr. Zeit]", "ʿImmānû'ēl Ben-Šelomo: Scholia in selecta loca psalmorum. - 1806"; rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "Aluf Magdiel", "Emanuele Romano", "Immanuel Romano", "Immanuel ben Salomon", "Immanuel ben Salomon de Rome", "Immanuel di Ceprano", "Immanuel di Roma", "Immanuel of Rome", "Immanuello Romano", "Manoello Giudeo", "ʿImanwʾel ben Šlomoh ben Yqwtiyʾel haṣiprwniy", "עמנואל בן שלמה בן יקותיאל הצפרוני", "עמנואל בן שלמה הרומי", "ʿImanwʾel ben Šlomoh haRwmiy", "ʿImanwʾel Šlomoh haRwmiy", "עמנואל הרומי", "Ben-Šelomo, ʿImmānû'ēl", "Emanuele, Romano", "Emanuele (Romano)", "Emanuele Romano", "Giudeo, Manoello", "Ha Romi, Imanuel", "HaRomi, Imanuel", "Hatsifroni, Imanuel ben Shelomoh", "Imanuel, ha Romi", "Imanuel, haRomi", "Immanuel, Ben Salomon", "Immanuel, Ben Solomon", "Immanuel, Romano", "Immanuel, ben Shelomoh", "Immanuel, di Roma", "Immanuel, ha Romi", "Immanuel, ha-Romi", "Immanuel, of Rome", "Immanuel, von Rom", "Immanuel B. Salomo", "Immanuel Ben-Salomo, Zifroni", "Immanuel ben Solomon", "Immanuel ben Solomon Romi", "Immanuel von Rom", "Immanuello, Romano", "Immanuello, di Roma", "Immanuello Romano", "Ìmanu'el, ha-Romi", "Ìmanu'el ben Shelomoh", "Ìmanu'el ben Shelomoh ben Yekuti'el, ha-Romi", "Manuello, Giudeo", "Manuello (Guideo)", "Romano, Immanuello", "Romi, Imanu'el", "Romi, Immanuel", "Salomo, Immanuel ¬ben¬ ", "Salomon, Immanuel ¬ben¬ ", "Shelomoh, Immanuel ben", "Solomon, Immanuel ben", "Tsifroni, Immanuel ben Shelomoh", "Zifroni, Immanuel", "Zifroni, Immanuel ben Salomon", "ʻImmānûʼēl Hā-Rômî", "ʿImanuʾel, ha-Romi", "ʿImmanuʾel ben Šelomo", "ʿImmanuʾel ha-Romi", "ʿImmānû'ēl, hā-Rômî", "ʿImmānû'ēl ben Šelomo", "ʿImmānû'ēl ben Šelomo ben Yeḳuti'ēl", "ʿImmānûʾēl Ben-Šelomo", "ʿImmānûʾēl Ben-Šelōmō, haṣ-Ṣifrônî", "עמנואל בן שלמה", "עמנואל הרומי", "שלמה, בן עמנואל", "Ṣifrônî, ʿImmānû'ēl ¬haṣ-¬ ", "Manoello, Giudeo", "ʿImmānûʾēl Hā-Rômî", "Ben-Šelomo, ʿImmānû'ēl", "Immanuel, the Jew", "Salomo, Immanuel ben", "ʿImmānûʾēl Ben Šĕlōmō hā-Rômî"; rdf:type ; ct:geographicNote "Italy"@en, "Italien"@de, "Jüdischer Kulturkreis"@de; skos:note "Note de regroupement par domaine: Littératures (800)"@fr, "Poète, écrivain. - Exégète de la Bible. - Linguiste"@fr, "Titre uniforme associé: Il detto d'amore#+*'t"@fr, "Ital.-jüd. Schriftsteller ; ham-Maḥberet hā-ʿeśrîm û-šemône we-hî Maḥberet hat-tofet we-hā-ʿēden;"@de, "Lyriker, Italien; verfaßte ital. u. hebräische Gedichte u. Sonette"@de.