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thesaurus/cnp00872187 Weddell, James

Weddell, James

Record IDcnp00872187
Dati biografici1787 - 1834
Luogo di nascitaOstende
Luogo di morteLondon
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Brit. Seefahrer; Robbenjäger; Reisen in die antarktischen Regionen; Master Royal Navy
Explorateur. - Capitaine de navire
Note de regroupement par domaine: Géographie (910)

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici24.08.1787-09.09.1834
Responsabilità intellettualeAuteur
Lingua madreEnglish
AttivitàSeefahrer (gnd)
Forschungsreisender (gnd)
Personen zu Geografie, Heimat- und Länderkunde (19.1dp) (sswd)
Personen zu Literaturgeschichte (Schriftsteller) (12.2p) (sswd)
Personen zu Telekommunikation und Verkehr, Fremdenverkehr (10.6p) (sswd)
Reiseschriftsteller (gnd)
Nota geograficaGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)
NazionalitàUnited Kingdom

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaOstende (Flandre occidentale, Belgique) (1787)
Lieu de naissance
Luogo di morteLondres (Royaume-Uni) (1834)
Lieu de mort


IntestazioneWeddell, James
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Weddell, James
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Weddell, James
Usata in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)

Fonti esterne

Trovato inWBIS. — A voyage towards the South Pole performed in the years 1822-24, containing an examination of the Antarctic sea to the seventy fourth degree of latitude and a visit to "Tierra del fuego", with a particular account of the inhabitants, to which is added much useful information on the coasting navigation of Cape Horn and the adjacent lands, with charts of harbours / by James Weddell, etc., 1827. — BBA. — The Antarctic circle - http://www.antarctic-circle.org/encyclopediaentries.htm (2013-08-09). — BN Cat. gén.. — LCAuth. — WBIS
depiction of ...
The British Antarctic explorer James Weddell (1787-1834)
[Unknown authorUnknown author / http://www.jamescairdsociety.com/shackleton-news.php?id=103131 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:James Weddell.jpg]

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