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thesaurus/cnp00700406 Wyatt, Thomas, der Jüngere

Wyatt, Thomas, der Jüngere

Record IDcnp00700406
Biographical Data1521 - 1554
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Engl. Adeliger, als Mitverschwörer gegen Maria Tudor hingerichtet

More Information

Further Biographical Data1521-1554. Geburtsjahr ca.
ActivityPersonen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteGB (iso3166)


HeadingWyatt, Thomas, der Jüngere
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameViatus, Thomas
Wiat, Thomas, der Jüngere
Wyat, Thomas, der Jüngere
Wyate, Thomas


Found inLCAuth, Dict. nat. biogr.
depiction of ...
Portrait Sir Thomas Wyatt the Younger. Oil on panel, 34.3 × 33 cm, National Portrait Gallery, London. The picture has mostly been repainted by later hands.This portrait by an unknown artist may be derived from the profile portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger of Wyatt's father, Sir Thomas Wyatt. A woodcut version of Holbein's portrait of his father is known, in addition to oil copies by other hands, such as this one, showing the same medallic profile composition.Sir Thomas Wyatt the Younger (c. 1521-54) was a friend of the poet Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and served in Boulogne, 1543-44. He led the rebellion known as Wyatt's Rebellion in Kent in 1554 against Queen Mary, for which he was executed the same year.Reference
  • Roy Strong, Tudor and Jacobean Portraits, London: HMSO, 1969, p. 340.

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