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thesaurus/cnp00644629 Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich

Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich

Record IDcnp00644629
Biographical Data1721 - 1768
Place of BirthTübingen
Place of DeathTübingen
Last Edit2024-08-14

General Note

Arzt, Botaniker, Chemiker
Stadtphysikus in Tübingen (1744-), Professor der Botanik und Chemie (1755-1768)

More Information

Further Biographical Data19.08.1721-09.05.1768
ActivityArzt (gnd)
Botaniker (gnd)
Chemiker (gnd)
Arzt; Botaniker; Chemiker
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthTübingen
Place of DeathTübingen

Related Entries

ParentGmelin, Johann Georg, 1674-1728
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
ChildGmelin, Christian Gottlieb, 1749-1818
Beziehung familiaer. -- Sohn
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich, 1748-1804
Beziehung familiaer. -- Sohn
See alsoGmelin, Johann Georg, 1709-1755
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Jäger, Christian Friedrich ¬von¬, 1739-1808
Beziehung familiaer. -- Schwiegersohn
Gmelin, Johann Conrad, 1707-1759
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder


HeadingGmelin, Philipp Friedrich
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameGmelin, Friedrich
Gmelin, Phil. Friederich
Gmelin, Philipp F.
RAK-WB vor 1995
Gmelin, Philippus Fridericus
Gmelin, Philippus Friedericus
Gmelin, Philippus Friedericus
Gmelin, Friedrich


Found inMatrikel Universität Tübingen, Nr. 33432, 34731, 35162
Imprint SourcesCelebrabitur actus hic doctoralis magnificentissimo universitatis rectore, serenissimo pr*. - 1759
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Botanicam et chemiam ad medicam applicatam praxin, per illustria quae*. - 1755
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: CCI. Philippi Frider. Gmelin et Achatii Gaertner Specifica methodus*. - 1758
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Diss. inaug. med. de analepticis quibusdam nobilioribus e cinnamomo*. - 1763
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Diss. inaug. med. de cholelithis humanis. - 1763
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Diss. inaug. med. de febribus malignis. - 1759
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Diss. inaug. med. de influxu fodinae Bulacensis Wirtembergicae in a*. - 1758
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Otia botanica. - 1760
Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich: Progr. inaug. de subtiliore anatome. - 1759
Onomatologia medica completa seu Onomatologia historiae naturalis

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