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thesaurus/cnp00642605 Abesser, Dorothea

Abesser, Dorothea

Record IDcnp00642605
Last Edit2019-09-25

General Note

Not found in: Internat. biogr. Index; LoC-NA
Tochter des Armaturhändlers Sebastian Köhler in Suhl; ab 1642 Ehefrau des Pastors Sigmund Abesse in Königsberg (Franken)

More Information

Dates of Activity1642-1658
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityKönigsberg i. Bay.

Related Entries

SpouseAbesser, Sigmund, 1615-1676
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehemann


HeadingAbesser, Dorothea
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameKöhler, Dorothea
Frueherer Name
Variant NameAbesserin, Dorothea
Colerin, Dorothea
Köhlerin, Dorothea
Coler, Dorothea


Imprint SourcesAcclamationes Votivae In Nuptias Quas Humanissimus & Literatissimus Dn. Sigismundus Abesser Ill. Gymnasii Gothani Collega & Convictorii Inspector Cum Lectissima & pudicissima virgine Dorothea Viri integerrimi Dn. Sebastiani Köhlers, civis & negotiatoris praecipui Sulani p.m. relicta filia celebrat Die 4. Octobr. Anno 1642. - 1642

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