CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00636103 Guidott, Thomas

Guidott, Thomas

Datensatz IDcnp00636103
Lebensdaten1638 - 1706
Letzte Änderung2022-09-06

Weiterführende Informationen

Weitere Lebensdaten1638-1706
Wirkungszeitraumfl. 1698
AktivitätArzt (gnd)
Geographische AnmerkungGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)


AnsetzungsformGuidott, Thomas
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variante NamensformAuthor of the Latin tract, De thermis Britannicis
De thermis Britannicis, Author of
Guidot, Thomas
Guidotius, Thomas
Guidott, Tho.
Guidottus, Thomas
PseudonymEugenius Philander
Friend of the muses
Philander, Eugenius


Nachgewiesen inGK55. — DNB. — LoC-NA. — WBIS
WerkeA discourse of Bathe. - 1676
A quaere concerning drinking Bath-water. - 1673
A true and exact account of Sadler's well. - 1684
De thermis. - 1691
Gideon's fleece. - 1684
The register of Bath. - 1694
Theophilus : De urinis liber singularis. - 1703
t117301: his An apology for the Bath, 1705 tp=By the author of the Latin tract, De thermis Britannicis
t131274: his A collection of treatises relating to the city and waters of Bath, 1725 tp=written by the learned Thomas Guidott
A letter concerning some observations ... at Bathe.. - 1674
An epitaph on Don Quicksot. - 1694
Propositions touching printing a book, entituled, de thermis Britannicis. - 1686


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Authority record
Wikidata description set

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