Horrebow, Peder
Record IDcnp00628359
Type of entry (heading)ficticious name
Biographical Data1679 - 1764
Last Edit2024-02-08
General Note
Astronom, Mathematiker, Physiker
Dän. Astronom, Mediziner, Mathematiker, Physiker, arbeitete mit Ole Rømer in Kopenhagen
More Information
Further Biographical Data1679-1764
ActivityAstronom (gnd)
Personen zu Astronomie, Weltraumforschung (20p) (sswd)
Personen zu Medizin, Tiermedizin (27.20p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteDK (iso3166)
HeadingHorrebow, Peder
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Horrebow, Petrus
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Horrebov, Peder
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameHorrebov, Peder
Horrebow, Peter
Horrebow, Petrus
Horrebowius, Petrus
Horrebow, Peder Nielsen
Horrebowius, Peder
Haste, Peder H.
Horrebow, Peder
Horrebow, Peder H.
Found in-Int. Biogr. Index, Bricka S. 110-112. — Int. Biogr. Index, Bricka S. 110-112. — Wikipedia: Stand: 15.10.2021: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peder_Horrebow_(Astronom,_1679)&oldid=216377223
Imprint SourcesHorrebov, Peder: Atrium astronomiae. - 1732
Horrebov, Peder: Basis astronomiae, sive astronomiae pars mechanica. - 1735
Horrebov, Peder: Basis astronomiae. - 1735
Horrebov, Peder: Clavis astronomiae. - 1730
Horrebov, Peder: Consilium de nova methodo paschali ad perfectum statum perducenda ac dei*. - 1738
Horrebov, Peder: Opera Mathematico-Physica. - 1740 - 1741
Horrebov, Peder: Opera mathematico-physica
De zegepralende Copernicus of Eene verhandelinge o... / By Petrus Horrebow. ; Translated from the Lati..., 1741
Horrebov, Peder: Blandede Digte. - 1790
Horrebov, Peder: Copernicus triumphans, sive de paralaxi orbis annui Tractatus. - 1727