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thesaurus/cnp00622932 Ming Shenzong, China, Kaiser

Ming Shenzong, China, Kaiser

Record IDcnp00622932
Biographical Data1563 - 1620
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Kaiser d. Mingdynastie, reg. 1573-1620

More Information

Further Biographical Data1563-1620
ActivityPersonen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteCN (iso3166)


HeadingMing Shenzong, China, Kaiser
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Real NameZhu, Yijun
Wirklicher Name
Variant NameChu, I-chün
Ming Shen Tsung, China, Kaiser
Ming Shen Zong, China, Kaiser
Ming Shen-tsung, China, Kaiser
Ming Wan-li, China, Kaiser
Ming Wanli, China, Kaiser
Shen Tsung, China, Kaiser, 1563-1620
Shen Zong, China, Kaiser, 1563-1620
Shen-tsung, China, Kaiser, 1563-1620
Shenzong, China, Kaiser, 1563-1620
Wan-li, China, Kaiser
Wanli, China, Kaiser


Found inLoC-NA
depiction of ...
Portrait of Emperor Shenzong of Ming Dynasty China
[Ming Dynasty Imperial Painter / http://www.ming-yiguan.com/viewthread.php?tid=10849&extra=page%3D1 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:明神宗.jpg]

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