CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp00607768 Eyre, William

Eyre, William

Datensatz IDcnp00607768
Lebensdaten1612 - 1670
Letzte Änderung2022-11-02

Weiterführende Informationen

Weitere Lebensdaten1612-1670. Geburtsjahr ca.
ca. 1612/13-1670. LoC-NA


AnsetzungsformEyre, William
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variante NamensformEyrius, Guilielmus


WerkeA particular deduction of the case of William Eyre. - [1670]
A vindication of the letter out of the North. - 1690
Christ's scepter. - 1652
Vindiciae iustificationis gratuitae. - 1654
Vindiciae iustificationis gratuitae. - 1695

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