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thesaurus/cnp00606993 Bechmann, Johann Volkmar

Bechmann, Johann Volkmar

Record IDcnp00606993
Biographical Data1624 - 1689
Place of BirthVippachedelhausen
Place of DeathJena
Last Edit2023-11-03

General Note

aus dem Raum Eisenach, Sohn des Dichters und Pastors Johann Friedrich Bechmann und der Sara Hilgund, Schüler in Gotha, Student in Jena, Jurist, u.a. tätig an der Univ. Jena
Dt. Jurist; Schüler in Weimar und Gotha; Student in Jena, Wittenberg und Helmstedt; 1649: Dr. jur. in Jena; Hofgerichtsadvokat; ab 1658: Prof. an der Univ. Jena, auch Rektor

More Information

Further Biographical Data1624-1689
Academic Title or DegreeProf. Dr. jur.
ActivityJurist (gnd)
Jurist; Prof. an der Univ. Jena
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthVippachedelhausen
Place of ActivityJena
Place of DeathJena

Related Entries

ParentBechmann, Johann Friedrich, 1580-1661
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
Bechmann, Johann Friedrich, 1580-1661
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
Bechmann, Johann Friedrich, 1580-1661
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater


HeadingBechmann, Johann Volkmar
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Bechmann, Volckmar
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBechman, Joh. Volkmar
Bechman, Johan-Volk.
Bechman, Johan-Volkmar
Bechman, Johann Volk.
Bechman, Johann Volkmar
Bechman, Johann-Volk.
Bechman, Johann-Volkmar
Bechman, Johann. Volk.
Bechman, Johannes Volk.
Bechman, Johannes Volkmar
Bechman, Johannes Volkmarus
Bechmann, Joannes Volckmar
Bechmann, Joannes Volcmar
Bechmann, Joannes Volkmar
Bechmann, Joh. Volk.
Bechmann, Johan-Volkmar
Bechmann, Johann Volckmar
Bechmann, Johann Volcmar
Bechmann, Johann Volkmann
Bechmann, Johann-Volkmarus
Bechmann, Johannes V.
Bechmann, Johannes Volcmarus
Bechmann, Johannes Volkmar
Bechmann, Johannes Volkmarus
Bechmann, Volckmar
Bechmann, Volkmar
Bechmann, Volkmarus
Bechmannus, Joannes Volckmarus
Bechmannus, Joannes Volcmarus
Bechmannus, Johann Volcmar
Bechmannus, Johannes Volckmarus
Bechmannus, Johannes Volcmarus
Bechmannus, Johannes Volkmannus
Bechmannus, Johannes Volkmarus
Bechman, Johan-Volk.
Bechmann, Ioann Volkmar
Bechmann, Ioann-Volkmar
Bechmann, Joannes Volckmar
Bechmann, Joannes Volcmar
Bechmann, Joannes Volkmar
Bechmann, Joh. Volk.
Bechmann, Johan-Volkmar
Bechmann, Johann-Volkmar
Bechmann, Johannes V.
Bechmann, Johannes Volcmar
Bechmann, Johannes Volcmarus
Bechmannus, Joannes Volcmar
Bechmannus, Johann Volcmar
Bechmannus, Johannes Volkmarus


Found inLCAuth. — DbA I 68,323-325
Imprint SourcesDisputatio iuridica de privilegiis pauperum. - 1668
Dissertatio inauguralis de iure facetiarum. - 1688
Dissertatio inauguralis de privilegiis mulierum. - 1669
Ungepauer, Erasmus: Disputatio inauguralis iuridica de concursu actionum poenalium & realium. - 1649
Prorector Academiae Ienensis Joannes Andreas Schmidius Logicae & philosoph. primae Prof. Iuxta Cum Professoribus Reliquis S. D. Civibus. - 1689
Prorector Academiae Ienensis Joannes Andreas Schmidius Logicae & philosoph. primae Prof. Iuxta Cum Professoribus Reliquis S. D. Civibus. - 1689
Prorector Academiae Ienensis Joannes Andreas Schmidius Logicae & philosoph. primae Prof. Iuxta Cum Professoribus Reliquis S. D. Civibus. - 1689
Discursus inauguralis iuridicus de aegritudine .... - 1668
Disputatio iuridica de mutuo .... - 1658
Dissertationem inauguralem ad l. aede III. .... - 1682
Dissertationem inauguralem de imperitia et infirmitate .... - 1680
Exotericae exercitationes iuris publici iuxta .... - 1670
Prorector Academiae Ienensis Joannes Andreas Schmidius Logicae & philosoph. primae Prof. Iuxta Cum Professoribus Reliquis S. D. Civibus. - 1689
Struve, Georg Adam: Exercitatio iuridica I. de natura iurisprudentiae .... - 1647

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