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thesaurus/cnp00582573 Boemundus, I., Antiochenus

Boemundus, I., Antiochenus

Record IDcnp00582573
Biographical Data1050 - 1111
Last Edit2024-08-14

General Note

Epistula ad Godefridum Bullionem; Epistula ad universos Christi fideles; Epistula ad Urbanum II. papam; Prinz von Antiochia

More Information

Further Biographical Data1050-1111. Geb.jahr ca.
ActivityPersonen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteIT (iso3166)
SY (iso3166)
TR (iso3166)


HeadingBoemundus, I., Antiochenus
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBoamundus, Antiochenus
Boamundus, I., Antiochenus
Boemund, I., Antiochia, Prinz
Boemund, von Antiochia
Boemund, von Tarent
Boemundus, Antiochiae
Boemundus, I.
Boemundus, I., Antiochia, Princeps
Boemundus, I., Antiochia, Principe
Bohemund, I., Antiochia, Fürst
Bohemund, I., Antiochia, Prinz
Bohemund, I., Tarent, Fürst
Bohemundus, Antiochenus
Bohemundus, I., Antiochenus
Bohémond, I., Antioche, Prince
Boémond, Marc
Boémond, Fils de Robert Guiscard
Boémond, I., Antioche, Prince
Boémond, I., Tarente, Prince
Marc, Boémond
Marcus Bohemund, I., Antiochia, Fürst


Found inRep.Font. II,547. — DOC,1,415. — NDB/ADB-online. — LMA. — M
depiction of ...
Imaginary portrait of Bohemond I by Merry-Joseph Blondel (1781-1853)
[Merry-Joseph Blondel / http://berdom.skyrock.com/1539456386-Rez-de-chaussee-Aile-nord-129-Premiere-salle-des-croisades.html -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bohemond I of Antioch (by Blondel).jpg]

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