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thesaurus/cnp00581303 Yolande, de Flandre

Yolande, de Flandre

Record IDcnp00581303
Dati biografici1326 - 1395
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Belgische Komtess

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1326-1395
AttivitàPersonen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Nota geograficaBE (iso3166)


IntestazioneYolande, de Flandre
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
VarianteIolanthe, de Flandre
Jolante, von Flandern
Violante, de Flandre
Yolande, de Bar

Fonti esterne

Trovato inVorlage
depiction of ...
Seal of Yolande of Flanders
[Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle, 1867-; Thompson, Henry Yates, 1838-1928 / https://archive.org/details/cu31924008711172 - The book of hours of Yolande of Flanders, a manuscript of the fourteenth century in the Library of Henry Yates Thompson, 1905 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Seal of Yolande of Flanders.png]

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